DATE CATEGORY POSTED ARTICLES (including FCTA Keepers: Important Posts For Reference)
Weekly Vid ~National AMAC Weekly News -- Ben Ferguson's video summaries, updated every Friday
Va Taxes ~Virginia Virginia Taxes and Tax History
Public Edu ~National Epoch Times: Examining Education in the United States -- a series by Alex Newman
MonthlyMsg ~Bulletin FCTA Monthly Messages, by various FCTA board members
Migrat Dat ~States IRS Migration Data: State-to-State, County-to-County, Virginia, Fairfax Co
For Wisdom ~Potpourri Victor Davis Hanson ... Dennis Prager ... Jeffrey A Tucker
FCPS Watch ~FxSchools Blog: Fairfax Schools Monitor - the latest "wokeness" from FCPS
FCPS ClgBd ~FxSchools FCPS College Board Reports for 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023
Edison 78s ~Potpourri Selected Oldies from the UCSB Gramophone Audio Archive, by FCTA's David Swink
Climate Ch ~Environmt Video: The History and Future of Climate Change, by Peter Temple (5:31)
2024-12-18 ~FxTaxes Fx GOP: Union-Friendly (Taxpayer-Unfriendly) Accotink Wastewater Fix
2024-12-17 ~National AMAC: The End Of The Long Obama Era, by Walter Samuel
2024-12-17 ~National AMAC: "Conspiracy Theorists" Were Right Again, by Shane Harris
2024-12-02 ~FxTaxes FXX Now: Fairfax Co faces $300M deficit for FY2026, by Scott McCaffrey
2024-11-20 ~National RealClear Wire: Make Education Great Again!, By Adam Ellwanger
2024-11-16 ~National Brownstone: The Revolution Of 2024, by Jeffrey A. Tucker
2024-11-13 ~FxSchools The Federalist: FCPS sent TJ#1 to China, then reduced TJ to #14, by S Lundquist
2024-11-12 ~FxSchools FCPS: FY26 Budget Forecast Final Draft
2024-10-xx ~National IMPRIMUS: Populist Conservatism and Constitutional Order, by Kevin D. Roberts
2024-10-xx ~Bulletin BOS Chairman: The meals tax "... is not the solution.", by Arthur Purves
2024-10-28 ~National WaPo: Americans don't trust the news media, By Jeff Bezos
2024-10-24 ~Environmt Daily Reckoning: The Green New Scam Is Dying, by James Rickards
2024-10-16 ~FxSchools Examiner: Fx Co School Board Not Doing Its Job, by Stephanie Lundquist-Arora
2024-10-15 ~National Bloomberg's Interview with Donald Trump in Chicago
2024-10-09 ~National Brownstone: USA In Recession Since 2022 Q1, by EJ Antoni, Peter St Onge
2024-09-xx ~National IMPRIMUS: The Dangers of Price Controls, by Henry Hazlitt and Brian Wesbury
2024-09-xx ~Bulletin Vote "NO" on the Bond Referenda, by Arthur Purves
2024-09-06 ~handout FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V2 png
2024-09-06 ~handout FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V2 pdf
2024-09-06 ~Potpourri Zerohedge: The Process Of Tyranny (and currently), by Brandon Smith
2024-09-04 ~FxSchools Bacon's Rebellion: Why Is Fairfax Unhappy With New K-12 Accountability System?
2024-08-29 ~handout FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Flyer, V2 pdf
2024-08-23 ~National IM-1776: RFK Jr. Address to the Nation -- the full transcript
2024-08-22 ~National Brownstone: What Is Really Going on at Federal Agencies?, by Jeffrey A. Tucker
2024-08-19 ~FxTaxes WTOP: Fx Co restaurant owners against possible food tax, by Kyle Cooper
2024-08-16 ~Health Tucker Carlson: Interviews Calley & Casey Means, Big Pharma Critics, transcript
2024-08-12 ~National X: Elon Musk interviews Donald Trump -- the full transcript
2024-08-09 ~FxTrans Bacon's Rebellion: Metro's Fiscal Train Wreck, by James Bacon
2024-08-04 ~Potpourri FCTA: QR code Tutorial, by David Swink
2024-08-03 ~handout FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Flyer, V1 pdf
2024-08-01 ~FxSchools FXX Now: New Approach to School Funding?, by James Jarvis
2024-07-30 ~States-MD WTOP: Maryland's Electric School Bus Disaster, by Luke Lukert
2024-07-30 ~FxMisc Daily Caller: Herrity Calls For End Of Sanctuary Policies, by Jason Hopkins
2024-07-26 ~National AMAC: LAWFARE, The Sinister Plot To Get Trump, by Shane Harris
2024-07-16 ~Report Analysis of the 2025 School Budget, by Fred Costello-314
2024-07-12 ~FxSchools FCTA: What's in FCPS Sex Ed 2022-23?, by Cathy Ruse
2024-07-03 ~FxTaxes FCTA: Fairfax Co, Vienna Real Estate Taxes Over Last 40 Years, by David Swink
2024-06-25 ~handout FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V1 png
2024-06-25 ~FxTaxes Gazette Leader: $306M bond package coming to Fairfax voters in November
2024-06-17 ~FxSchools FCPS Monitor: The Transgender Agenda at FCPS - What's Next?, by Mark Spooner
2024-06-13 ~Environmt TJI: Virginia Climate Data Shows No Crisis, by Stephen D. Haner
2024-06-12 ~FxTaxes CAGW: Fx Co Leaders Consider Meals Tax, Raise Own Salaries, by Alec Mena
2024-06-12 ~FxSchools FXX Now: FCPS teachers and others vote to officially unionize, by Angela Woolsey
2024-06-09 ~FxMisc FCTA: Fairfax County 2024 Candidates, by David Swink
2024-06-05 ~Virginia Va OAG: Va will exit California EV mandate at year's end, by Jason Miyares
2024-06-05 ~National Zerohedge: Our Crisis of Competence, by Charles Hugh Smith
2024-05-xx ~Bulletin Tax Hikes Fix Nothing, by Arthur Purves
2024-05-28 ~FxTaxes Fx GOP: The Meals Tax is Back on the Menu (rejected by voters in 2016)
2024-05-23 ~Virginia Bacon's Rebellion: UVa Thoroughly Committed to Marxist DEI, by James Bacon
2024-05-22 ~National Brownstone: What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination, by Jeffery Tucker
2024-05-17 ~National Zerohedge: Whistling Past The National Train Wreck, by Donald Jeffries
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