Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
Tom Cranmer nixes ethanol in gasoline at EPA hearing
Tom Cranmer nixes ethanol in gasoline at EPA hearing
-- August 1, 2017 at Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC
FCTA's Tom Cranmer gave a 3-minute argument against ethanol in gasoline:
- Ethanol use in gasoline makes no scientific or economic sense.
- The only real justification is to drive up corn and soybean prices as a
subsidy for farmers and provide votes for congressmen in farm states.
- U.S. consumers pay higher prices for food.
- Poor foreigners are further in poverty. High food prices lead to
political instability and war.
- U.S. citizens are endangered by war from countries that blame the U.S.
for high food prices.
- Ethanol is only 70% as energy efficient as gasoline. This requires more
fuel consumption to make the same journey, and thus more pollution.
- Ethanol is corrosive to engines, resulting in more frequent breakdowns
and costs to consumers.
- Ethanol requires major subsidies by the U.S. taxpayers.
The premises behind ethanol encouragement are wrong:
- Ethanol does not improve energy self-sufficiency. More energy is
required to produce ethanol than to produce gasoline.
- The U.S. is capable of energy self-sufficiency.
- Fears of global warming are overblown. Every forecast has been wrong.
In the 1970s the forecasts were for global cooling and a new glacial
- Over 31,000 scientists like me signed the Petition Project, affirming
propaganda about man-made global warming is a hoax.
- Even if more warming occurs, the world benefits: More warming in
Canada and Siberia will produce much larger crops.
- Carbon dioxide stimulates plants.
- Carbon dioxide production follows warming, not the other way around.
Statements to the contrary are phony.
- During the time of dinosaurs, about 60 million years ago, carbon dioxide
levels were ten times current levels. Plants and animals thrived.
- About two billion to 800 million years ago carbon dioxide levels were
extremely high; however, cyanobacteria gradually converted the CO2
into oxygen through photosynthesis like plants do. This made the
air oxygen rich to sustain life.
- The sun's fluctuations and the wobbles of the earth are the primary
reasons for warming and cooling.
- In the last three million years the earth has had nearly 30 glacial
advances and warming. Long Island was created by mile-thick glaciers
bulldozing the rocks and dirt.
- Around the year 1100 there was a warming period with prosperity;
afterward there was cooling with devastating effects on agriculture
and people through starvation and disease. The earth is just
recovering from the cooling period.
- Requirements about the need for ethanol are based on phony premises
about energy self-sufficiency and global warming.
- Ethanol use is detrimental to everyone except some farmers,
politicians and bureaucrats in the EPA.
Thomas Lambert Cranmer: BA Yale in geology & engineering; MBA Columbia in economics. Worked world-wide on technical projects. Fellow at American Center for Democracy. First VP Fairfax County Taxpayers' Alliance. Fairfax County precinct captain at Seneca No. 329.