Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
FCTA Opposes the Fairfax County FY2020 Bond Referenda
FCTA Opposes the Fairfax County FY2020 Bond Referenda
-- 09/07/2020, by FCTA president Arthur Purves.
Fairfax County has four bond referendums on Nov. 3, 2020, general election
ballot, and voters may vote yes or no on each of these referenda:
- Community and Health and Human Services - $79 million
- Libraries - $90 million
- Parks - $112 million
- Transportation - $160 million
FCTA opposes these bond sales. Here's why:
This year the county will spend $350M on debt service but raise only
$220M (estimated) from bond sales. This happens most years. If the
county hadn't resorted to bonds, the county could have spent $220M on
capital maintenance and not have to pay any debt service, thereby
saving around $150M annually.
In its annual budget documents, the county does not publish the
interest rates nor the bond ratings for bonds it has sold. Why?
For controversial projects, the county bypasses bond referenda by having
the Economic Development Authority (EDA) sell bonds as "lease revenue"
bonds. In theory, lease revenue bonds are paid for by fees, such as
golf fees or recreation center fees. In reality most lease revenue
bonds are paid from county tax revenues. One example is the school
system's controversial $60 million Gatehouse Administration Building,
which was not put on a bond referendum but was funded by EDA "lease
revenue" bonds. Other examples are were the controversial Pennino and
Herrity buildings and, the South County High School. Lease revenue
bonds have a higher interest rate, but we don't know how much higher
because the county does not publish interest rates.
The county has $3 billion in bond debt, which is the maximum debt it can
carry and still maintain a AAA bond rating. If a hurricane or some
other catastrophe occurred and it were necessary to borrow for major
repairs, the county would have a lower bond rating and higher interest
There is no process to prevent gold-plated renovations and new
The transportation bond is for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority (WMATA). While Metrorail maintenance was neglected for
decades, WMATA budgets are not transparent. For example, are WMATA
employees receiving full pay while not working during the COVID
lockdown? How much of the CARES COVID relief funding is being used to
pay full salaries for non-working employees? WMATA does not publish
in its annual budget salary scales, annual raise history, and pension
and health benefits. Annual fares should increase at the same rate as
employee raises and benefits increase and not be offloaded to the
In short, we the taxpayers cannot afford these new bonds!