Status of Bills in the General AssemblyJanuary 25, 2020 |
Socialists' Agenda puts VA Economy / Jobs / Public Safety at Risk
The Good News:
- Some of the bills that would have created state-run Healthcare insurance died in committee.
- Catastrophic and Association healthcare insurance plans are passing.
- Bills which would have eliminated single family zoning died in committee.
- Senate has declared nuclear a clean energy source and the state is directed to develop a strategic plan for the role of nuclear energy as part of the Commonwealth's overall energy strategy.
- Governing bodies required to provide members of the general public with the opportunity for public comment during at least half of the regular meetings held each fiscal year.
- More transparency - Subcommittee meetings are now being live streamed when held in a room with a camera!
Continued to next year: DEAD(A way to kill a bill - often used to avoid taking a recorded vote)
- The House bill to reinstate the Inheritance Tax (Death Tax).
- Senate - VA constitution amendment to remove the definition of marriage.
- Senate - VA constitution amendment to enshrine abortion in our constitution.
The public policy changes below are on their way to becoming law.
Second Amendment:
Easy on criminals; tough on gun owners. [The Marxists' goal? To disarm the population] We'll see them in court!
- ALL Bills that supported the 2nd amendment or were tough on criminals are DEAD!
- So far the senate has passed a red flag law; universal background checks; one gun purchase per month; local gun control; gun free (killing) zones. More bills in committees - all moving us closer to gun registration, the pre-requisite to confiscation and ultimate disarming of the population.
ERA: Passed in both houses - has crossed over - final passage next. (Governor's signature not necessary.) We'll see them in court.
Economy / Free Market / Job KILLERS:
- Virginia Energy Plan - Mandates the establishment of greenhouse gas emissions reduction standards across all sectors of Virginia's economy (all sectors includes electricity, transportation, building, and industrial sectors) impact statement.
- Virginia Values Act* - Anti- discrimination re: "Public Accommodation" - (Employment, credit, housing, restaurants, bakeries, any establishment open to the public! - More anti-business than California's law) Public Accommodation as currently defined in the VA code.
- Virginia Council on Environmental Justice established.
- NO fracking allowed in eastern Virginia.
- *A bill to pack the SCC in favor of socialists
- Off shore drilling prohibition
- New (another) program to fund grants to subsidize residential energy efficiency measures.
- New rebate program for purchasers or lessees of certain zero-emissions vehicles.
Property Rights Killers:
- New Scenic River designations - Sections of Maury, Clinch, Pound, Staunton, James rivers, Gray's Creek [Are citizens with property along these rivers aware of the restrictions and the private property rights lost when this designation is applied. Many times in the past they were NOT!].
- A new planning district is in the works - will allow application of the extra regional gas tax in a large part of central Virginia.
Social Justice:
- Radical abortion regulation changes. Persons other than physicians can perform; repeals 24 hr wait and ultrasound requirements; facilities no longer need to meet minimum hospital standards. More to come.
- Lee-Jackson Day removed as a state holiday - designates Election Day as a state holiday.
- Bills mandating gender neutral pronouns or situations where no gender can be used.
- New birth certificates to show a gender change.
- [Thought crimes illegal.] Hate crimes reported to law enforcement.