Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Who We Are

Who We Are

Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance

The Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan, volunteer organization founded in 1956 to prevent excessive real estate tax increases. We analyze government spending and speak out against government waste. (Note: Though we act as a non-profit, the SEC lists us as a corporation, and contributions to us are not tax-deductible.)

We publish a Bulletin, issue press releases, attend County budget press conferences, testify at public hearings, write letters-to the editor and op-ed pieces, and respond to press inquiries.

We depend on contributions from members and friends. Membership is open to Fairfax County residents and those who pay real estate taxes in Fairfax County.

Our Address: Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance / P.O. Box 356 / Fairfax, Virginia 22038
Email: contact@fcta.org

FCTA Board of Directors (06/17/2022)

Arthur Purves    At-Large (Hunter Mill)  President         Since 10/15/1996
Tom Cranmer      At-Large (Dranesville)  First VP          Since 02/07/2012
Mike Albin       At-Large (Braddock)     Second VP         Since 09/10/2019
Perry Young      At-Large (Sully)        Secretary         Since 10/15/1996
Ron Quasebarth   At-Large (Sully)                          Since 10/01/2019
Fred Costello    At-Large (Hunter Mill)	                   Since 12/06/2004 
Rob Whitfield    At-Large (Hunter Mill)                    Since 10/28/2017
Rod Dyck         At-Large (Braddock)                       Since 04/05/2022
 (vacant)        At-Large
William Peabody  Braddock                                  Since 11/18/2003
 (vacant)        Dranesville
David Swink      Hunter Mill             Acting Treasurer  Since 09/10/2002
 (vacant)        Lee
Robert Anderson  Mason                                     Since 05/11/2021
Miriam Sullivan  Mt. Vernon                                Since 10/04/2014
 (vacant)        Providence
Brad Butler      Springfield                               Since 03/05/2002
Chuck McAndrew   Sully                                     Since 05/06/2003

FCTA Resolutions

  1. Resolution supporting a car tax exemption for residents affected by Fairfax County Community Parking Districts with background information (6/6/06)
  2. Resolution opposing higher taxes for transportation (6/6/06)
  3. Resolution in favor of an elected auditor (1/6/04)
  4. Vote NO on the school bond referendum (10/14/03)
  5. Resolution opposing 22% sales tax increase (1/17/01)

FCTA Policies

Policy #1: TOTAL REVENUE CAP (Adopted 03/19/1991, Revised 11/19/1991)

Fairfax County's revenue should be limited to (1) a rate of growth that is no higher in any year than the rate of growth of total personal income in the County in the preceding year, and (2) a share of total personal income no higher than in fiscal year 1987. These limits should apply to total County revenue exclusive only of proceeds from bond sales and of transfers from the state and federal governments.

Policy #2: INDEBTEDNESS CAP (Adopted 03/19/1991)

Bonded indebtedness of Fairfax County should not exceed 3% of the County's total personal income.

Policy #3: REAL ESTATE REVENUE CAP (Adopted 04/16/1991)

The Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance endorses a Fairfax County revenue program wherein, the real estate tax is subject to 'full equalization' for the next four years; that is, whenever assessments increase, the tax rate should be lowered to fully offset the assessment increase so there is no increase in the average tax bill. This policy permits revenue increases resulting from new growth (i.e. construction, rezoning, and sub-division) in the real estate tax base.

Policy #4: INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT CAP (Adopted 05/21/1991)

The Fairfax County Taxpayer Alliance supports a change to the Commonwealth of Virginia Constitution which would limit the increase in assessment for an owner occupied residential property to two (2) percent during any year of ownership. This policy would permit assessment increases to current market value whenever a residential property changes ownership.

Policy #5: PRIVATIZATION (Adopted 08/20/1991)

Fairfax County will not use tax, license, or bond revenues to compete against the private sector. In order to provide the public with services of superior quality, lower price, and a choice of providers, we recommend the following:

  1. Wherever possible, all services currently provided by the county government that can be provided by the private sector, should be relinquished to the private sector.
  2. Any task that can be contracted out to a private sector group in the support of mission essential functions, should be.

Policy #6: USER FEES (Adopted 08/16/1994)

A user fee is a charge imposed by a governmental body to voluntary recipients of goods and services provided by the governmental body; the amount of the charge is based on the cost of providing the good or service. Sometimes lower rates are charged during non-peak times to reflect variable value at different times.

The Fairfax County Taxpayers' Alliance supports the charging of user fees over the alternative of funding the provision of goods and services with general tax revenues, whenever the recipients are identifiable. This preference for user fees as a funding method does not constitute an endorsement of government providing those goods and services in lieu of the private sector.

The imposition of user fees should be accompanied by tax reductions and the tightening of revenue growth limits.