Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Fairfax County FY 2010 Adopted Budget

Fairfax County FY 2010 Adopted Budget

                                                                             FY 2010       FY 2010        FY 2010                               Additional      FY 2010     Increase/
                                                FY 2009        FY 2009      Increase/      Adopted        Revised     Encumbered Unencumbered  Recommended      Revised    (Decrease)
                                               Estimate         Actual     (Decrease)   Budget Plan    Budget Plan     Carryover    Carryover  Adjustments    Budget Plan Over Revised

Beginning Balance                            $161,392,634   $161,392,634           $0    $71,447,273    $71,447,273           $0           $0           $0   $184,657,461 $113,210,188

Real Property Taxes                        $2,046,898,739 $2,046,447,880    -$450,859 $2,113,373,891 $2,113,373,891           $0           $0     $572,451 $2,113,946,342     $572,451
Personal Property Taxes [1]                  $302,968,741   $316,344,515  $13,375,774   $280,880,652   $280,880,652           $0           $0   $1,150,457   $282,031,109   $1,150,457
General Other Local Taxes                    $451,141,504   $461,069,739   $9,928,235   $449,147,701   $449,147,701           $0           $0           $0   $449,147,701           $0
Permit, Fees & Regulatory Licenses            $24,435,569    $24,494,049      $58,480    $32,575,391    $32,575,391           $0           $0           $0    $32,575,391           $0
Fines & Forfeitures                           $16,012,582    $16,444,077     $431,495    $17,426,083    $17,426,083           $0           $0           $0    $17,426,083           $0
Revenue from Use of Money & Property          $32,423,732    $40,013,890   $7,590,158    $14,162,838    $14,162,838           $0           $0           $0    $14,162,838           $0
Charges for Services                          $61,969,163    $62,139,369     $170,206    $62,150,200    $62,150,200           $0           $0           $0    $62,150,200           $0
Revenue from the Commonwealth [1]            $312,160,012   $317,125,695   $4,965,683   $306,868,199   $306,906,338           $0           $0     $457,551   $307,363,889     $457,551
Revenue from the Federal Government           $31,966,248    $38,395,217   $6,428,969    $29,858,546    $29,820,407           $0           $0     $518,928    $30,339,335     $518,928
Recovered Costs/Other Revenue                  $7,457,351     $8,449,508     $992,157     $7,522,999     $7,522,999           $0           $0           $0     $7,522,999           $0
Total Revenue                              $3,287,433,641 $3,330,923,939  $43,490,298 $3,313,966,500 $3,313,966,500           $0           $0   $2,699,387 $3,316,665,887   $2,699,387

Transfers In
002 Revenue Stabilization Fund                $18,742,740    $18,742,740           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
105 Cable Communications                       $5,204,492     $5,204,492           $0     $2,011,708     $2,011,708           $0           $0           $0     $2,011,708           $0
144 Housing Trust Fund                         $1,000,000     $1,000,000           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
302 Library Construction                       $1,912,794     $1,912,794           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
303 County Construction                        $7,567,924     $7,567,924           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
307 Pedestrian Walkway Improvements               $12,626        $12,626           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
311 County Bond Construction                   $2,500,000     $2,500,000           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0     $500,000       $500,000     $500,000
312 Public Safety Construction                 $4,194,059     $4,194,059           $0     $3,000,000     $3,000,000           $0           $0           $0     $3,000,000           $0
503 Department of Vehicle Services             $3,750,000     $3,750,000           $0     $2,000,000     $2,000,000           $0           $0           $0     $2,000,000           $0
505 Technology Infrastructure Services           $100,000       $100,000           $0     $4,610,443     $4,610,443           $0           $0           $0     $4,610,443           $0
Total Transfers In                            $44,984,635    $44,984,635           $0    $11,622,151    $11,622,151           $0           $0     $500,000    $12,122,151     $500,000

Total Available                            $3,493,810,910 $3,537,301,208  $43,490,298 $3,397,035,924 $3,397,035,924           $0           $0   $3,199,387 $3,513,445,499 $116,409,575

Direct Expenditures
Personnel Services                           $706,329,834   $694,705,817 -$11,624,017   $698,492,046   $698,462,050           $0           $0     $708,914   $699,170,964     $708,914
Operating Expenses                           $423,067,298   $366,924,602 -$56,142,696   $342,354,138   $342,758,515  $38,810,919   $6,776,539   $4,247,416   $392,593,389  $49,834,874
Recovered Costs                              -$56,177,266   -$53,928,981   $2,248,285   -$49,581,746   -$49,747,776           $0           $0    -$582,386   -$50,330,162    -$582,386
Capital Equipment                              $1,846,337     $1,544,185    -$302,152       $430,675       $430,675     $250,533           $0           $0       $681,208     $250,533
Fringe Benefits                              $203,626,199   $199,726,889  -$3,899,310   $217,293,044   $217,084,693           $0           $0  $20,026,907   $237,111,600  $20,026,907
Total Direct Expenditures                  $1,278,692,402 $1,208,972,512 -$69,719,890 $1,208,988,157 $1,208,988,157  $39,061,452   $6,776,539  $24,400,851 $1,279,226,999  $70,238,842

Transfers Out
002 Revenue Stabilization Fund                         $0             $0           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0  $16,213,768    $16,213,768  $16,213,768
090 Public School Operating                $1,626,600,722 $1,626,600,722           $0 $1,626,600,722 $1,626,600,722           $0           $0           $0 $1,626,600,722           $0
100 County Transit Systems                    $33,377,083    $33,377,083           $0    $23,812,367    $23,812,367           $0           $0  -$2,250,000    $21,562,367  -$2,250,000
102 Federal/State Grant Fund                     $989,833       $989,833           $0     $2,962,420     $2,962,420           $0           $0           $0     $2,962,420           $0
103 Aging Grants & Programs                    $4,083,125     $4,083,125           $0     $4,252,824     $4,252,824           $0           $0           $0     $4,252,824           $0
104 Information Technology                    $17,021,805    $17,021,805           $0     $7,380,258     $7,380,258           $0           $0   $6,050,000    $13,430,258   $6,050,000
106 Fairfax-Falls Church Comm Services Board $101,430,831   $101,430,831           $0    $97,519,271    $97,519,271           $0           $0    -$119,372    $97,399,899    -$119,372
112 Energy Resource Recovery (ERR) Facility    $1,559,549     $1,559,549           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0   $1,722,908     $1,722,908   $1,722,908
117 Alcohol Safety Action Program                 $27,046        $27,046           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
118 Consolidated Community Funding Pool        $8,970,687     $8,970,687           $0     $8,970,687     $8,970,687           $0           $0           $0     $8,970,687           $0
119 Contributory Fund                         $13,823,053    $13,823,053           $0    $12,935,440    $12,935,440           $0           $0           $0    $12,935,440           $0
120 E-911 Fund                                $10,605,659    $10,605,659           $0    $10,623,062    $10,623,062           $0           $0           $0    $10,623,062           $0
125 Stormwater Services                                $0             $0           $0             $0             $0     $362,967           $0           $0       $362,967     $362,967
141 Elderly Housing Programs                   $1,491,723     $1,491,723           $0     $2,033,225     $2,033,225           $0           $0           $0     $2,033,225           $0
200 County Debt Service                      $113,167,674   $113,167,674           $0   $110,931,895   $110,931,895           $0           $0           $0   $110,931,895           $0
201 School Debt Service                      $154,633,175   $154,633,175           $0   $163,767,929   $163,767,929           $0           $0           $0   $163,767,929           $0
303 County Construction                       $13,487,601    $13,487,601           $0    $12,109,784    $12,109,784           $0           $0           $0    $12,109,784           $0
309 Metro Operations & Construction            $7,509,851     $7,509,851           $0     $7,409,851     $7,409,851           $0           $0           $0     $7,409,851           $0
312 Public Safety Construction                   $800,000       $800,000           $0       $800,000       $800,000           $0           $0           $0       $800,000           $0
317 Capital Renewal Construction               $6,924,321     $6,924,321           $0     $2,470,000     $2,470,000           $0           $0   $5,000,000     $7,470,000   $5,000,000
340 Housing Assistance Program                   $695,000       $695,000           $0       $695,000       $695,000           $0           $0    -$180,000       $515,000    -$180,000
501 County Insurance Fund                     $19,572,497    $19,572,497           $0    $13,866,251    $13,866,251           $0           $0           $0    $13,866,251           $0
503 Department of Vehicle Services             $4,000,000     $4,000,000           $0             $0             $0           $0           $0           $0             $0           $0
504 Document Services Division                 $2,900,000     $2,900,000           $0     $2,398,233     $2,398,233           $0           $0           $0     $2,398,233           $0
603 OPEB Trust Fund                                    $0             $0           $0     $9,900,000     $9,900,000           $0           $0           $0     $9,900,000           $0
Total Transfers Out                        $2,143,671,235 $2,143,671,235           $0 $2,121,439,219 $2,121,439,219     $362,967           $0  $26,437,304 $2,148,239,490  $26,800,271

Total Disbursements                        $3,422,363,637 $3,352,643,747 -$69,719,890 $3,330,427,376 $3,330,427,376  $39,424,419   $6,776,539  $50,838,155 $3,427,466,489  $97,039,113

Total Ending Balance                          $71,447,273   $184,657,461 $113,210,188    $66,608,548    $66,608,548 -$39,424,419  -$6,776,539 -$47,638,768    $85,979,010  $19,370,462

Managed Reserve                               $68,447,273    $68,447,273           $0    $66,608,548    $66,608,548     $788,488     $135,531   $1,016,763    $68,549,330   $1,940,782
Balances used for FY 2010 Adopted [2]          $3,000,000     $3,000,000           $0                                                                                  $0           $0
Balances held in reserve for FY 2010 [3]                                                                                                                       $5,000,000   $5,000,000
Balances held in reserve for FY 2011 [4]                                                                                                                      $12,429,680  $12,429,680
Total Available                                        $0   $113,210,188 $113,210,188             $0             $0 -$40,212,907  -$6,912,070 -$48,655,531             $0           $0
  1. Personal Property Taxes that are reimbursed by the Commonwealth as a result of the Personal Property Tax Relief Act of 1998 are included in the Revenue from the Commonwealth category in accordance with guidelines from the State Auditor of Public Accounts.
  2. An amount of $3.0 million from FY 2009 reserves was identified to be carried forward and was utilized to balance the FY 2010 Adopted Budget Plan.
  3. As part of the FY 2009 Carryover Review, $5 million has been identified to be held in reserve for FY 2010 requirements.
  4. As part of the FY 2009 Carryover Review, $12.4 million has been identified to be held in reserve for FY 2011 budget development.