Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Vienna Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Budget for FY2014-15

FCTA Note:The following notice was published on page B5 of the Washington Times on 03/21/2014 and 03/28/2014. But unlike the Fairfax County notice, which states outright that it "proposes to increase property tax levies", Vienna's notice makes no such mention. Note that FCTA has added the last column -- amount of increase or decrease over the FY 2013-14 Adopted Budget -- which was not published in the newspaper notice. Notice that the increase in property taxes is slightly greater than the increase in the total town budget (**).

In fact, Vienna is proposing a 7.5% real estate tax increase! If one digs around on Vienna's web site, one finds on page 8 of the Town Manager's March 7 "Budget Message" that the average real estate assessment in Vienna has increased from $600,574 to $645,763 (7.5%) over the last year while the tax rate remains constant at 22.88 cents per $100 of assessed value.

The notice below mentions the April 7 "Public Hearing on Proposed Budget" but makes no mention of the April 28 "Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Rate" So the town apparently wishes to first inform residents of what it thinks it needs, and three weeks later mention what this means to your wallet. One can only hope that the Vienna Town Council will pay more attention to fiscal sanity and their taxpayers than do the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. The Council members are listed below, and their vote on the amount of tax increase will be duly noted.

NOTE: On 04/28/2014, The Vienna Town Council unanimously decided to adopt a real estate tax rate of the anticipated 22.88 cents per $100 of assessed value, which translates to the earlier proposed 7.5% increase on your next tax bill. The final vote to be finalized on May 12, after the town council elections on May 6.

-- David Swink, FCTA Board member and Vienna resident (my RE taxes over last 40 years)
=> Sun Gazette: Vienna residents vent over rising town tax rate

Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Vienna, Virginia
Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vienna Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 7, 2014 beginning at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, 127 Center Street, South, on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2014/15 for the Town of Vienna, Virginia.

At said Public Hearing any and all interested parties will be given an opportunity to express their views. Copies of the proposed budget will be available for viewing in the Town Clerk's Office during regular working hours or on the Town Website.


                                                                 PROPOSED    ADDED
                                                               FY 2014-15   BY FCTA
  REVENUES                                                    $22,398,700  +588,530
    Property Taxes (FY 14-15: $0.2288 per $100 assessed value) $9,760,000  +622,956 **
    Other Local Taxes                                          $6,078,000   +20,500
    Permits, FEES and Licenses                                   $152,900    +4,100
    Fines and Forfeitures                                        $435,000   -25,500
    Use of Money and Property                                    $170,000   -25,365
    Parks and Recreation Fees                                    $755,000    -6,000
    Special Service Fees                                          $20,000    +8,000
    Miscellaneous Revenues                                       $121,300    +9,000
    Categorical Aid                                            $3,162,500   -26,161
    Federal Revenue                                               $94,000   +27,000
    Interfund Transfers                                          $900,000   -20,000
    Use of Prior Year Revenues                                   $750,000        +0

  EXPENDITURES                                                $22,398,700  +588,530
    Legislative                                                  $717,310   -11,049
    Administration                                             $2,328,520  +147,429 **
    Finance Department                                         $1,461,980   +46,050
    Police Department                                          $6,219,670   -41,529
    Public Works Department                                    $6,791,870   -54,708
    Tax Relief Programs                                          $243,200   -15,500
    Parks and Recreation Department                            $2,798,500      -410
    Planning and Zoning                                          $855,230    +7,891
    Transfers and Reserves                                       $300,210  +315,029 **
    Equipment Replacement                                        $632,210  +145,327 **
    PC Replacement                                                $50,000   +50,000

  REVENUES                                                     $7,121,000  -267,000
    Use of Money                                                   $1,200        +0
    Water and Sewer Service Charges                            $6,994,800  -267,000
    Miscellaneous Revenues                                       $125,000        +0

  EXPENDITURES                                                 $6,821,000  -397,847
    Water Services                                             $2,677,640  -271,787
    Meter Maintenance and Reading                                $450,600   +37,141
    Billing/Customer Service                                     $187,410    +4,152
    Sewer Services                                             $2,164,050  -227,187
    Transfers                                                  $1,291,440   +41,325
    Equipment Replacement                                         $49,860   +18,509

  REVENUES                                                     $2,702,640  +405,982
    Other Local Taxes                                          $2,291,490  +384,657
    Use of Money                                                   $4,700        +0
    Interfund Transfers                                          $371,440   +21,325
    Use of Prior Year Reserve                                           0        +0
    Federal Revenues                                              $35,010        +0

  EXPENDITURES                                                 $2,702,640  +405,982
    Administrative Costs                                             $300        +0
    Debt Service                                               $2,702,340  +405,982

  REVENUES                                                       $245,540   +19,540
    Stormwater Revenue                                           $193,420   -32,580
    Use of Prior Year Reserves                                    $52,120   +52,120

  EXPENDITURES                                                   $245,540   +19,540
    Personnel Expense                                            $111,100   +18,572
    Program Costs                                                $189,990   +10,254
    Transfers                                                    -$55,550    -9,286

TOTAL BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS                                    $32,167,880  +616,205 **


Melanie J. Clark, Town Clerk

Publish: Washington Times -- March 21, 2014 and March 28, 2014