What's in FCPS Sex Ed 2022-23?The School Board automatically enrolls every child in 80+ hours of Sex Ed without prior parent consent. The Board recently approved [summer 2024] additional lessons on transgender and consent-for-sex; they do not appear below. 6th Grade:Sex with 30 customers a day -- Intense sex trafficking video includes a screen [3:51] saying victims are "FORCED to have sex with up to 30 customers a day." (G6 ESH L1) 7th Grade:Oral sex -- The phrase "oral sex" appears 11 times in this lesson. (G7 HGD L3) Some people with male bodies have female identities -- In 2018, the School Board removed the concept of biological sex (someone being of male or female sex) and replaced it with the trans-propaganda term Sex Assigned at Birth (someone "assigned the sex of male" or "assigned the sex of female.") "For most people, their gender identity is the same as their sex assigned at birth. For some people, it is not the same. The term transgender is used to describe an individual whose gender identity, how they think of themselves as a male or female, is different from the individual's sex assigned at birth." (G7 ESH L1) (G9 HGD L5) (G9 HGD L6) (G10 HGD L5) Neither male nor female -- "Human sexuality" includes "gender identity - a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female." (G7 ESH L1) Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual -- "Gay men are attracted to men" ... "Lesbians are women attracted to women" ..."Bisexual ... describes a person who is emotionally, romantically, or sexually attracted to people of more than one gender, sex, or gender identity. (G7 ESH L1) 8th Grade:Anal sex -- The phrase "anal sex" appears 17 times in this lesson. (G8 HGD L2) Oral sex -- The phrase "oral sex" appears 15 times in this lesson. (G8 HGD L2) Some people with male bodies have female identities -- "As a child, one of the strongest influences on your identity was your family ... you are now forming your own, individual identity. One component of an individual's identity is their gender identity ... how a person thinks of themselves as a male or female. For most people, their gender identity is the same as their sex assigned at birth. For some people, it is not the same." (G8 ESL L2) Sexual Orientation Identity -- "Individual identity includes sexual orientation ... Gay/lesbian refers to a person that is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to members of one's own gender. Gay men are attracted to men and ... lesbians are women attracted to women. Bisexual refers a person that is emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually attracted to both men and women." (G8 ESL L2) Mutual consent for sex -- This so-called abstinence lesson focuses, instead, on consent. The word "consent" appears 25 times in this lesson:
9th Grade:Daily sex pill -- PrEP is promoted to students every year beginning in 9th grade. Pre-exposure prophylaxis was designed for men who have anal sex with multiple/anonymous male sex partners of unknown HIV status. (G9 HGD L5) (G10 HGD L4) (G11 FLE L1) (G12 FLE L2) Sexually-active 9th graders -- "Most teens will not be sexually active as 9th graders, but it is ok to start thinking about what might be the right choice for you in the future (birth control)." (G9 HGD L4) Anal sex -- Repeated references to "anal sex" and "sexual partners". (G9 HGD L5) 10th Grade:Best choice for teens: sex in monogamous relationship -- "The best choice for teenagers, in order to avoid the consequences of premarital sexual activity, is to practice abstinence from sexual activity until they are in a mutually monogamous relationship." (G10 HGD L4) Abortion is an option -- "This lesson is about the options ... keep and parent a child, adoption, and abortion." (G10 HGD L2) (G10 HGD L3) Secret abortions -- "A young woman who feels she cannot tell her parents ... may go before a judge who will decide whether she can have an abortion." "Some organizations can ... get a lawyer who will…be with her in court. This service is free." (G10 HGD L3) Some people with male bodies have female identities -- "Some individuals assigned the sex of male have a gender identity of female - they feel their core identity is female. The same is true for some people assigned the sex of female - they feel their core identity is male ... This difference between sex assigned at birth and gender identity can be very challenging for the individual." (G10 HGD L5) Some parents don't support trans identity -- It is "helpful" when a young person's transgender identity is "supported by parents". "However, some individuals do not have these supports in place ... teachers are available to assist and support individuals who need help ... accepting their sexual feelings." (G10 HGD L5) 11th Grade:Choosing to be sexually active -- In a discussion of "sexually active teens" - "For individuals who choose to be sexually active, there are many methods of contraception available to prevent pregnancy." (G11 FLE L1) 12th Grade:Personal decision to be sexually active -- "Deciding whether or not to be sexually active is a very personal decision." Teachers are instructed to: "Tell students that there is a family planning walk-in clinic which can assist teens in obtaining contraception." (G12 FLE L3)