School Admin Torches Claim That "CRT Not Taught In Schools"

As an admin for the largest school district in Indiana, here's what we mean when we tell you that we aren't "teaching" Critical Race Theory. -- from 1:36-min video, posted on Twitter November 4, 2021 by Tony Kinnett (1:36)

I'm the science person admin in the largest public school district in Indiana. I'm in dozens of classrooms a week, so I see exactly what we're teaching our students.

When we tell you the schools aren't teaching Critical Race Theory -- that it's nowhere in our standards -- that's misdirection. We don't have the quotes and theories of the state's standards per se; we do have Critical Race Theory in how to teach.

We tell our teachers to treat students differently based on color. We tell our students that every problem is a result of white men, and that everything Western civilization does is racist. Capitalism is a tool of white supremacy. These are straight out of Kimberle Crenshaw's main point verbatim, in "Critical Race Theory, Key Writings That Formed The Movement". This is in math, history, science, English, the arts, and it's not slowing down.

If students of color have low reading scores, it's because of inequity. Therefore, we take from these "white students" and give to the "colored students". That's from Richard Delgado, straight out of "CRT, an Introduction".

All teaching is political, with reality in fact taking a back seat. That's Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, who outlined how she saw Critical Race Theory flushed out in public schools in 1995.

When schools tell you we aren't teaching Critical Race Theory, it means one thing: Go away and look into our affairs no further. It isn't about transparency; it isn't about cultural relevance. It's race essentialism, painted to look like the district cares about students of color. We call it "anti-racism", so you feel bad if you disagree with our segregationist pedagogy. It's taking advantage of kids' vulnerability and parents' inactivity to preen over social snake-oil schemes designed to create division.

Parents, when we tell you Critical Race Theory isn't taught in our schools, we're lying. Keep looking!