Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
School Board Members Get Public Spanking
School Board Members Get Public Spanking
by FCTA's Tom Cranmer, 04/27/2017
Although spanking is not allowed in public schools anymore, numerous school
board members got a severe one at the Fairfax County School Board (FCSB)
meeting on April 27, where six speakers took on different subjects and
exposed the recklessness and corruption within the school board and school
system. The video
of the six speakers can be watched starting at the 40:10 mark.
The first speaker was a concerned Dad named Mike, who is continually
frustrated that the school system is so poorly managed and has such
misplaced priorities that it leaves his son taking classes in a portable
trailer without bathrooms, and resembles something out of a third world
county, and not one of the wealthiest counties in America with a once-great
reputation for public schools. As the school pension was on the agenda,
he criticized them for continuing to give retirees cost of living increases
of 3% or greater, when the rest of the nation uses Consumer Price Index
(CPI), which has been 1% in recent years. In his mind, those millions of
dollars add up and can and should be used to get his child out of the
Later, a gentleman named Dave, who recalls when his children attended
and the Fairfax County Schools were the best in the nation, lambasted the
school board for engaging in harmful social experiments. He criticized
them for cruelly trying to force tens of thousands of emotionally distraught
female rape and sexual assault survivors and religious observers to allowing
males in the female bathrooms and locker rooms, or trying to suspend
students if they mispronounce the wrong pronoun of something that is not
rooted in science and medicine or defined and is based on whims.
He also exposed how several school board members unethically provided
inside information so that only their political party supporters and friends
had sufficient notice to plan to attend and speak at the April 6 meeting,
where the school board revealed a new proclamation on "Diversity" to the
public (released two days prior to the meeting) and did a pressure vote
with the staged speakers and supporters who they brought in. One school
board member even snidely remarked: "How can anybody not vote for this
when it has so much obvious public support?"
He then called out chairmen Ms. Hines and Ms. Evans for allowing the
Garza conflict of interest to occur and not taking any action after it was
discovered, and he called out Mr. Moon for being a disgraceful lawyer for
not even understanding the history and legal background of Title IX law,
which was used by Obama and the current governor of Virginia to justify
this madness in the schools. Lastly, he drilled them for secretly allowing
males in the female bath rooms and locker rooms without telling opposing
and concerned parents and obtaining their consent.
But he was only a warm-up for John, who spoke next and went full throttle
and hit the school board and school lawyer hard for not taking any criminal
action this past year when a female complained to school officials that
she found a 250-pound male in a dress when she went in to use the female
bathroom at Luther Jackson Middle School last year. (People need to
understand that many of these public schools are used as mixed-use
facilities after school with both children and adults using the class rooms
and gymnasiums.) He then directly called out numerous school board members
by name, and asking them directly if they morally supported allowing a
50-year-old man into the bathrooms with 13-year-old girls? When McElveen
was asked, he just laughed it off as he slouched in his chair.
When the smoke was cleared, four teachers union members spoke about the
pension asking for more money, but -- never wanting to criticize the poor
management of the hand that feeds them -- leaving it up to the overworked
parents and tax payer to do the battles or pay the ever increasing tax
bills. Later on in the evening the school board members actually had to
discuss and debate ways to curb the unsustainable pension plans since the
county's Board of Supervisors did not raise the tax rate (thanks to FCTA's
speakers hitting them hard three weeks ago and reminding them a political
price would be paid).
At the 1:04:55 mark in the video, a hard working mother named Deborah,
who made it her priority to break away from her relentless daily schedule
to speak, raised the bar on reasoned argument by going back to the founding
fathers and quoting from the debates and arguments of James Madison in the
Federalist Papers. She pointed out that there is a reason why we have
majority rule and deliberate processes of government protecting individual
liberty and freedom, and that a minority does not have the right to impose
itself on the majority.
The next woman who spoke was a gentle grandmother named Blanca, who
defended her Christian beliefs and heritage, and how it was morally wrong
for the school board to discriminate against the many Christians and harass
them. She basically stated that Christian morality is rooted in rational
thought and benefit to society that creates human betterment and blessings,
and its morality is not some voodoo cult.
And the last speaker was a gentleman named Fred, who stated that the FLE
(Sex Ed) program creates more problems that it solves by promoting sex as
recreation, rather than procreation. He stated that the FLE (Sex Ed)
program should be changed, with a focus to reduce divorce down to 1% to the
betterment of families and societies who take the brunt of ill effects from
the sex-crazed culture promoted by the school board.
It should be noted that there were about 100 school union people in the
audience who deserve better than the school board is delivering, as well
a dozen purple shirt activists hissing at our speakers. It seems like our
speakers are getting some attention now from the opposition and school board,
who have sent their surrogates at "BlueVirgina" to do a political hit
piece against Elizabeth Schultz and even our own school board meeting
speakers, who they label as hate mongers and crazy. Hopefully, the
concerned parents and citizens of Fairfax County are sick and tired of these
standard tactics by the "progressives", who unjustly and routinely smear
and defame good people, and will instead rise up and push back against
these internet bullies.
Note, Family Research Council is hosting a nationally broadcast panel
discussion on May 6 at 12 noon at 801 G Street NW in DC in which
Elizabeth Schultz, Meg Kilgannon, Cathy Ruse, and legal council will be
sitting in and discussing transgender ideology in the schools and how
parents are fighting back. They are encouraging a strong turnout,
but attendees need to register before hand at
Lastly, the next school board meeting is on Thursday May 11 at 7pm.
Our speakers have been phenomenal to date, but we need more ethnic minorities
to speak at the school board meetings, to remind them what real diversity and
tolerance is about -- not just their narrow ideological version that uses
and exploits ethnic minorities and then discards them when its convenient.