Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
Fairfax Co budget townhall meeting in Vienna
Fairfax Co budget townhall meeting in Vienna
-- Charles McAndrew, February 20, 2016
Four FCTA board members attended a Fx Co budget town hall meeting at the
Vienna Fire Station on Saturday February 20, 2016. Supervisor Cathy Hudgins
(Hunter Mill district) chaired the meeting. Chairman Sharon Bulova, County
Executive Ed Long, County CFO Joe Mondero, FCPS School Board Chairman
Pat Hynes, Asst Superintendent of Financial Services and FCPS CFO
Kristen Michael, along with about 50 attendees were present.
Here is a summary:
Advertised Budget Plan -- Ed Long presented the
Advertised Budget for FY 2017.
He stated that the proposed budget was based on a 3% tax increase, the
minimum tax rate to meet the county's funding requirements. The advertised
budget will be approximately $4.1 billion in general fund spending.
He mentioned that he dedicated $7.5 million toward implementing
recommendations made last year by an ad hoc police commission established
by the County Board of Supervisors. The bottom line to this, according to
Ed Long, is that it will require $35 million and 150 new staff positions
to fulfill the commission's mandated requirements. This will include an
independent review board, body cameras, an auditor, and something called
"Divergent First", which I understand is a program designed to move people
with mental illnesses away from jails. There was a handout on the
Advertised Budget Plan.
Real Estate Taxes will increase -- Ed Long stated that he is
proposing a 4% budget increase that would give the Board some flexibility
in determining what the final budget will be. He said that the proposed
advertised budget plan was based on a 3 cent tax increase. If the real
estate taxes are increased by 4 cents, it would result in an additional
$23 million. This could cover some of the gap in the proposed FCPS funding
which is short by $68 million. Sharon Bulova said she would support the
3 cents tax increase but she and the board will be looking for other revenue
sources. Cathy Hudgins says she plans to push the MEALS TAX of 4% for the
referendum in November that could bring in around $90 million.
(I recently received my Notice of Real Estate Assessment Change which
shows that the 2014 assessed value of my property was $671,360 and will be
increased for 2015 to $698,120 or an increase of $26,760. They show a 4.22%
increase in my tax reassessment!)
FCPS requests -- Ed Long stated that the real estate tax would
need to increase to 6 or 7 cents to meet all of the school requirements.
He also said that since FY2009, Fairfax County spending was reduced
by more than $1 billion!?? Kristen Michael gave the FCPS budget presentation.
The FCPS budget request for FY 2017 is approximately $2.7 billion. This
represents a $121.4 million, or 4.8% increase over the FY 2016 Approved
Budget. Part of this increase would be to fund about $11 million to keep
the elementary school class size to less than 30 students where classroom
space is available. She stated that, since FY2008, FCPS has made budget
reductions totaling nearly $500 million!?? She said that revenues have not
kept up with expenditures, thus resulting in annual cost to balance the
budgets. And due to limited available resources, annual compensation
increases have been restricted resulting in lagging salaries.
If you look at the salary charts that she presented: FCPS teacher's
salaries are below the market average and about $20,000 below Arlington
County teacher's salary. (Isn't it amazing that the FCPS budget was
reduced by almost $500 million from FY 2008 and yet the FCPS budget goes
UP EVERY YEAR by an average of $100 million during the same period?)
Kristen Michael gave out a handout on the FCPS budget.
Attendee Voting -- After a 15 minute break, small computers were
handed out and some questions were posed to the audience to use their key
pad to answer some questions. One of the main questions was: Do you
support the necessary budget increases? 67% said YES! Next
question was: Do you support the necessary FCPS budget increase? 66%
said YES! And Do you support looking for other revenue sources
such as a Meal Tax? 95% said YES! (My fingers gave out, so
I did not capture the other questions, but none were as important as these
were! Keep in mind that the audience was from the Peoples Republic of
Reston, Vienna, and some from Herndon!)
Questions and answers -- I asked Kristen Michael why, in her
FY 2017 Expenditures by Program, she did not break down ESOL and Free
and Reduced Meals costs? After all, they do show the Special Education
estimated cost of $488.7 million out of $2.7 billion. She said that she
would furnish these numbers to me.
FCTA's Rob Whitfield asked where are the funds for highways by Fairfax
County compared to other jurisdictions? Rob stated that his understanding
of the present six-year Transportation Priorities (TPP) funding plan adopted
by the Board on January 28, 2014 is that, out of a total of $1.4 billion
approved, only $200 million ($33.33 million per year) will come from county
funding sources, most of it from the Dulles Metro Tax Districts and C&I
District taxes? I cannot recall the answer he got.
Two other points Rob mentioned: Last November, a $100 million Fairfax
County Transportation bond was approved, of which 85% went to bike and
pedestrian trails. Also, as regards the the 2010 transportation $120
million bond, it has not been explained where these funds went. Again,
I cannot remember the answer he received.
-- Charles McAndrew, Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance