Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
Fx Co Status of Transportation Priorities Plan Update
Fairfax County Board Transportation Committee - July 9, 2019
Tom Biesiadny, Director
Ray Johnson, Coordination and Funding
Fairfax County Department of Transportation
TPP Timeline 2016-2017
- The Board approved over $1.4B in Transportation Priorities Plan (TPP) funds
(FY15-20) in Jan 2014.
- Some projects were only partially funded in TPP at this time, because all
funding was not needed during the six-year period.
- TPP Update process initiated in Fall 2016.
- Continue the County's transportation priorities (e.g. Comp Plan
implementation, congestion reduction, multimodal solutions,
economic success plan, etc).
- Evaluate potential new projects based on several selection criteria,
including a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA); support for major activity
center, schools, parks and disadvantaged populations; public input;
and input from the TAC and others.
- Use all revenues sources to meet the needs of these projects.
- Assist the Board in selecting transportation priorities from FY18-23.
- Individual Board member meetings in Jun 2017.
- Board Transportation Committee (BTC) and Transportation Advisory Committee
(TAC) briefed in Jul 2017.
- Outreach conducted in Sep-Nov 2017.
- Additional Board member meetings Winter 2017-January 2018.
- Fall 2017 the was Board Transportation Committee (BTC) notified of:
- Updated cost estimates and timelines for current projects.
- Over $600M in new revenues (FY21-23) needed for full funding of
existing projects.
- $70M set aside for reserves.
- $100M in funding available for new projects.
- In Dec 2017, VA Governor’s proposal to address WMATA funding transferred
substantial regional funding from NVTA.
- Due to proposal, staff delayed presenting TPP recommendations pending
the 2018 General Assembly (GA) session.
TPP Timeline 2018
- In Spring 2018, the GA adopted HB 1539 (Hugo) / SB 856 (Saslaw), which
included $154M per year for WMATA to address WMATA’s state of good repair
- $102M of the $154M was diverted annually from existing local and
regional sources.
- The financial impact of this legislation on the TPP is approximately
$45-50M per year or $300M over six years.
- In Jul 2018, staff notified the BTC that there will be no available revenue
for new projects, and project schedules would likely be adjusted.
Funding Status May 2018 (over six years)
$100M Available for New Projects
($300M) Diverted NVTA Funds
($200M) Projected Six-Year Shortfall
Project Costs - Factors that increase cost estimates
- Numerous large-scale projects underway in the region:
- I-66 Inside/Outside the Beltway
- Dulles Rail Phase 2
- I-395 Extension
- Route 7 Widening
- Purple Line
- Capital Crossing
- Frederick Douglas Bridge
- Arlington Memorial Bridge
- Market demand causing shortage of labor/materials.
- Availability of asphalt (can’t be shipped, must arrive hot)
- Economic factors (e.g. tariffs on steel).
- VDOT increasing contingencies on project estimates to account for
Consequences of Revenue Reductions and Cost Increases
- No funding for new projects due to impacts of WMATA funding bill and
increases on existing project cost estimates.
- Schedules for some existing TPP projects (both large and small) will be
extended, many beyond FY25.
- No previously approved projects being cancelled, unless otherwise
discussed with the Board.
Funding Outlook – Summer 2019
- All new revenue (FY19-25) assumed to cover existing projects:
- Projects proposed to advance, and partially funded between FY15-20
receive the remainder of necessary funding.
- Consider set aside for reserves and unanticipated needs.
- Needed to handle increasing cost estimates.
- NVTA has issued Call for Projects for FY20-25 Program.
- Project submissions due September 27, 2019.
- Need to explore with NVTA possibilities of project scope reductions;
reallocating regional funds to other NVTA approved projects.
- HB 2718/SB 1716 (2019; I-81 Bill) provides approximately $100M to NVTA for
FY20-25. Fairfax County expected to benefit from is approximately $8M/year.
$3.16B included for capital and operating transportation projects for FY19-25.
Funding Sources* Approximate Proposed Funding ($000,000)
Carryover/Previous Allocations** 583
Local 1,018
Federal 313
Private 185
Regional 738
State 330
Total $3,167
* Does not include Dulles Rail (Phases 1 or 2) or Route 28 Tax Districts.
** Includes funds allocated to projects that may not be expended to date.
Proposed Distribution of Funds
Project Category Approximate Proposed Percent of Total
Funding ($000,000) Distribution
Widenings 1,195.0 37.7%
Extensions (new facilities) 341.0 10.8%
Interchanges 88.0 2.8%
Spot 174.0 5.5%
Bicycle/Pedestrian 269.0 8.5%
Transit Capital 612.0 19.3%
Transit Operating 265.0 8.4%
Debt Service/Loan Payments 81.0 2.6%
BOS Discretionary 0.7 0.0%
Project Support 78.0 2.5%
Studies 8.0 0.3%
Construction Reserve 56.0 1.8%
Total $3,167.7
- The total TPP through FY25 is $3.58B.
- To reduce this cost $3.16B, $416.1M is proposed to be deferred.
Next Steps
- Board action on proposed TPP.
- Board should continue to include the importance of restoring the funds
diverted by HB 1539/SB 856 as a legislative priority in its 2020
Legislative Program.