Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
FCTA Speaks at Pre-2022 General Assembly Public Hearing
FCTA Speaks at Pre-2022 General Assembly Public Hearing
-- on 01/08/2022
FCTA's Charles McAndrew
Good morning Mr. Chairman and members of the Northern Virginia General
Assembly. My name is Charles McAndrew and I am a board member of the
Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance. I have five short issues to discuss.
As I understand, the Commonwealth of Virginia has a $2.6 BILLION surplus.
I support a pending bill to increase the Virginia standard deduction
from $9,000 for a married couple to $18,000 and furthermore I support
eliminating the grocery tax. Grocery tax is a burden for lower income
residents. You should consider ZERO-BASED BUDGETING and have your
Director of Finance carefully comb through the state budget to eliminate
redundant and outdated programs. Since 1961, the Virginia General Fund,
which is primarily based on income tax revenue has increased six times
faster than population and inflation.
It is time to seriously consider addressing transportation problems to
remedy traffic jams and bottlenecks all through Virginia. This should
be a priority for the State. Hopefully, funds from the U.S. Government
Infrastructure Bill will be used judicially to fund roads and bridges
and not bicycle paths!
Recently, the General Assembly increased the felony charge to $1,000 and
above. This encourages "smash and grab thieves" to, for example, raid a
jewelry store and each thief takes $800 each means that they all will be
charged a misdemeanor.
As to a viable and reliable energy source, I support the completion of
the North Anna and Surrey nuclear sites as I believe in clean and reliable
energy and nuclear energy is one way to go!
The General Assembly voted last year to throw out VOTER ID! This is a
huge mistake! Voter ID is necessary for voter integrity. We must have
voter ID if you want voter integrity. When I voted last November, they
asked for my voter ID. Our neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico have
voter ID.
Thank you for your attention.
FCTA's Arthur Purves
I am Arthur Purves and address you as president of the Fairfax County
Taxpayers Alliance. Thank you for this hearing. I have five topics.
First, it was 19 degrees this morning, and we just had a 20-hour,
50-mile shutdown on I-95 due to snow and ice. You should claim victory in
your war against global warming, withdraw from the Regional Greenhouse
Gas Initiative and repeal the Virginia Clean Energy Act, which drives
up the cost of living and replaces reliable with unreliable energy.
Solar panel production is not clean.
Why does Germany, a leader in clean energy, need a new natural gas
The evidence for a climate change crisis is sketchy. For example, when
I asked an employee who had worked at a ski resort for 32 years if the
ski season had been shortened, the answer was no. For another example,
Bangladesh flooding is the result of silt runoff due to deforestation,
not rising sea levels.
Second, for two decades, Fairfax County real estate taxes have been
increasing three times faster than household income. It is the county's
"unaffordable housing" program. The tax hikes are driven by employee
compensation. This year the supervisors have floated a 9 percent real
estate tax hike so employees can have 6 percent raises. Unions donated
$100,000 to Fairfax County Chairman's 2019 election campaign. To end this
conflict of interest, we ask you to ban union contributions to local
election campaigns.
Third, regarding CRT, public schools are a leading cause of poverty and
racial inequality. They provide no upward mobility. The most important
years are 1st and 2nd grades where reading and math facts are taught.
However, by third grade, Blacks and Latinos are behind whites and Asians
and never catch up. The reason is that schools teach "whole word" instead
of intensive phonics and ignore arithmetic drill. The students who succeed
are the ones who get phonics and math drill outside of school. Hence, the
public-school curriculum advantages whites and Asians and disadvantages
Blacks and Latinos. Thus, public schools fit the CRT definition of
"systemic racism". More money won't fix public schools; competition
Fourth, families are crucial to student success. Edmund Burke said,
"Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality." The same can be said
of successful families. But in literature and Family Life Education,
schools teach that morality is optional and unexpected. The destruction
of families is government's growth engine.
Fifth, Edmund Burke also said, "The essence of tyranny is the enforcement
of stupid laws." COVID lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, mandates
for experimental, misnamed vaccines, and the banning of low-risk, low-cost
cures such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) come to mind.
By giving Virginians a taste of tyranny, you may have awakened them.
FCTA's Bill Peabody
We trust much of the state surplus will be returned via the $18,000 standard
deduction and the end of the grocery tax. How about the hard part: lowering
Some ideas:
Education: The state portion of school funding works out to about
$12,000 per pupil on average. In FxCo, 5.3% of children are being "held
out". Here's an opportunity to lower head count permanently. A small
$3,000 tax credit might suffice. This county charged taxpayers $20,000
per child in 2019 to add 1000 to enrollment. Last time I checked, marginal
cost is related to marginal savings. If you apply the $9,000 potential
savings to 5% "held out" statewide, you get $540,000,000.
The new administration is offering school choice. How about choice with
taxpayer savings?
Green energy: Virginia has two half-completed nuke sites that
provide 28% of our electricity. If we simply complete construction as
intended, we could eliminate coal use and be the greenest state in the USA.
BTW, any pol voting for green initiatives should have converted from evil
natural gas to a heat pump already. No takers?
Transportation: Everyone on this stage said the Silver Line
would be a great investment. At its peak, actual ridership reached 65%
of projections. All we hear from Richmond is transit and bike lanes;
never roads.
Crime: HB257 was the main losing issue for the DNC. So repeal?
HB2290 and similar reduced-punishment bills are causing police to flee.
A recently resigned police officer said, "Without felony theft, I have no
leverage over repeat offenders." So repeal?