Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
Vienna Notice of Intent to Adopt for FY2015-16
FCTA Note:The following notices were published in the Washington Times
on 04/24/2015 and 05/01/2015. (Vienna does not have these on their web site
in a web-readable format; and they're very hard to find there.) There are
no changes this year to the water and sewer rates, and the budget summary
closely tracks the earlier
and the Town Manager's March 6
Of most concern to the Vienna taxpayer is the Tax Rate notice,
which asserts an effective tax rate increase of 2%. But wait...
- Fx Co's tax rate ($1.09) is unchanged from last year.
- Fx Co's assessment notice predicted a +4.01% bill (for me).
- Vienna's tax rate ($0.2288) is unchanged from last year.
- Vienna's
Property Tax Calculator predicted a +4.01% bill (for me).
- But Vienna's Town Manager asserts a 5.46% average assessment increase.
- ... and the Town Clerk asserts a 2% effective tax rate increase.
- (Note that inflation is about 1.5%!)
So is your head spinning yet?
-- David Swink, FCTA Board member and Vienna resident
(my RE taxes
over last 40 years)
Town of Vienna, Virginia
Notice of Intent to Adopt
Proposed Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2014/15
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia
and the Town of Vienna, Virginia that at the regular meeting of May 11, 2015,
it is the intent of the Town Council to adopt the following:
Proposed real estate property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2015/16 of $0.2288
cents per $100 of assessed valuation which represents an effective tax rate
increase of two percent.
The Public Hearing will be open to the public and the Town Council will
permit all persons desiring to be heard an opportunity to present oral
and/or written testimony.
Melanie J. Clark Town Clerk
Publication Dates: April 24, and May 1, 2015 -- AD#14824360
Town of Vienna, Virginia
Notice of Intent to Adopt
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia
and the Town of Vienna, Virginia that at the regular meeting of May 11, 2015,
it is the intent of the Town Council to adopt the following:
Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/16 Town of Vienna Budget, in the
total amount of $33,219,690 [+2.66%] appropriated as follows:
$23,206,050 [+2.73%] for General Fund expenditures
$2,641,000 [-2.28%] for Debt Service Fund expenditures
$6,990,510 [+2.49%] for Water and Sewer Fund expenditures
$382,130 [+55.63%] for Stormwater Fund expenditures
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.
Adoption of a Resolution establishing the Real Estate Tax Rate at $0.2288
per $100 valuation; Bank Net Capital at $0.80 per $100 valuation and
Utility Tax for residential at the rate of 20% of the first $15.00 and
Commercial at the rate of 15% of the first $300.00.
Copies of said Proposed Resolution and
Fiscal Year
2015-16 Budget may be viewed in the Office of the Town Clerk,
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Melanie J. Clark Town Clerk
Publication Dates: April 24, and May 1, 2015 -- AD#14824363
Town of Vienna, Virginia
Notice of Intent to Adopt
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Virginia
and the Town of Vienna, Virginia that at the regular meeting of May 11, 2015,
it is the intent of the Town Council, pursuant to authority granted under
section 15.2-2109 et seq, of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, to
adopt an ordinance instituting the following charges for water and sewer
service furnished by the Town of Vienna:
Residential |
Block Structure (Quarterly Basis) |
Water Consumption Charge |
0-16,000 gallons -- $4.66 per 1000 gallons
16,001-32,000 gal -- $5.10 per 1000 gallons
32,001 plus gallons -- $6.00 per 1000 gallons |
Sewer Consumption Charge |
0-16,000 gallons -- $5.75 per 1000 gallons
16,001-32,000 gal -- $6.25 per 1000 gallons
32,001 plus gallons -- $7.30 per 1000 gallons |
Residential Base Fee: $15/quarter
Commercial |
Block Structure (Quarterly Basis) |
Water Consumption Charge |
0-90,000 gallons -- $4.66 per 1000 gallons
90,001-180,000 gal -- $5.10 per 1000 gallons
180,001 plus gallons -- $5.95 per 1000 gallons |
Sewer Consumption Charge |
0-90,000 gallons -- $5.75 per 1000 gallons
90,001-180,000 gal -- $6.25 per 1000 gallons
180,001 plus gallons -- $7.25 per 1000 gallons |
Commercial Base Fee: up to 5/8" meter $15.75/quarter
All other quarterly charges based upon meter size to remain the same.
There are no changes to the water and sewer rates
for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Copies of the said Ordinance may be viewed on the Office of the Town Clerk,
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.am to 4:30 p.m.
Melanie J. Clark Town Clerk
Publication Dates: April 24, and May 1, 2015 -- AD#14824356