Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Fx Co RE Taxes Increasing > Twice Inflation Rate

Fairfax County Real Estate Taxes Increasing
More Than Twice as Fast as Inflation

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors increased real estate taxes 100% (from $2400 to $4800) between 2000 and 2007. Last year the supervisors increased real estate taxes by 1.9 percent ($93 for the typical homeowner). This year the supervisors increased taxes another 4.4 percent ($219). Compared to 2000, this is a cumulative increase of 114 percent and gives the supervisors an extra $1,190 million (nearly $1.2 billion) in revenues. Most of the extra $1.2 billion is not spent to improve county services but to subsidize the soaring cost of school and county pensions, zero-deductible medical insurance, and raises.

Each year, hundreds of advocates for higher taxes testify at the Board of Supervisors budget hearings, generally held in late March or early April. Speakers for higher taxes greatly outnumber advocates for lower taxes.


The Taxpayer Alliance every year sponsors a rally on the first night of the budget hearings, at 6. p.m. in front of the Government Center. Attend next year's rally, which will be announced on this site. Also, write (do not call or email) your supervisor to ask for lower taxes. Go to "Identify your elected representatives" section above to identify your supervisor.