Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
The following was first published on page B5 of the
Washington Times on 09/07/2018.
Fairfax County Notice Appropriating Supplemental Funds for FY2019
Notice of a Proposed Adoption of a Resolution
Appropriating Supplemental Funds for Fairfax County, Virginia
for the Twelve-Month Period Beginning July 1, 2018
and Ending June 30, 2019 [FY2019]
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 58.2-2507 of the Code of Virginia that at a regular
meeting of the Urban County Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia,
held in the Board Auditorium of the Fairfax County Government Center at 12000
Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia, on Tuesday, July 31, 2018,
it was proposed to adopt a supplemental appropriation of funds for Fairfax
County, Virginia for the twelve-month period beginning July 1, 2018, and
ending June 30, 2019, and Clerk of said Board was directed to advertise the
proposed resolution with notice that the Board will hold a public hearing on
the same at a regular meeting to be held in the Board Auditorium of the
Fairfax County Government Center on September 25, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at
which time, persons affected may be heard on said resolution.
All persons wishing to present their views on these subjects may use the
form at
https://www.fairfacounty,gov/bosclerk/speakers-form or call the Office
of the Clerk to the Board at 703-324-3151, TTY 711 (Virginia Relay Center)
to be placed on the Speakers List, or may appear and be heard. As required
by law, copies of the full text of proposed ordinances, plans and amendments,
as applicable, as well as other documents relating to the aforementioned
subjects, are on file and may be examined at the Office of the Clerk to the
Board of Supervisors, Suite 533 of the Fairfax County Government Center,
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Virginia.
Fairfax County supports the Americans with Disabilities Act by making
reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Open captioning
will be provided in the Board Auditorium. For sign language interpreters
or other accommodations, please call the Clerk's Office, 703-324-3151,
TTY 711 (Virginia Relay Center) no later than 48 hours before the public
hearing. Assistive listening devices will be available at the meeting.
The following summarizes the proposed amendments to the FY 2019 Budget Plan.
Those funding adjustments included below are recommendations to revise
funding levels in existing agencies and programs. Copies of the FY 2018
Carryover Review, which include these adjustments, were forwarded to
the Board of Supervisors on July 30, 2018, and are available on-line at
FY 2019 Current Approved Budget Plan
Total Expenditures - All Funds $7,965,356,756
Proposed Changes:
A. Previously Approved Items:
General Fund $43,255,502
- Encumbered $29,234,407
- Unencumbered 14,021,095
Other Funds $1,508,478,357
- Capital Construction $727,433,145
- Federal/State Grants 127,405,159
- All Other Funds 653,640,053
School Funds $578,774,871
- School Operating $96,933,822
- School Construction 426,465,107
- School Food & Nutrition Services 2,611,440
- School Grants and Self Supporting 30,039,991
- School Insurance 3,162,424
- School Health and Flexible Benefits 19,561,697
- Educational Employee's Retirement 390
Subtotal Previously Approved Items in Carryover $2,130,508,730
B. Additional Funding Adjustments:
General Fund Impact - Administrative Items $8,079,529
Other Funds - Administrative Items $181,180,327
- Capital Construction $36,267,450
- Federal/State Grants 21,387,367
- All Other Funds 123,525,510
Subtotal Additional Adjustments $189,259,856
Total Expenditures in All Funds $10,285,125,342
Increase from FY 2018 Current Budget Plan $2,319,768,586
The adjustments noted above result in an increase of $10,504,787 to the
General Fund Balance. When added to the $118,679 held in reserve as part of
the FY 2019 Adopted Budget Plan, a total of $10,623,466 is available
for Board consideration as part of the Carryover process. The County
Executive recommends that this balance be held in reserve for potential
FY 2019 one-time requirements.
It should be noted that seven FY 2018 Carryover Consideration Items have
been requested as of August 28, 2018. These include providing funding to
support a countywide energy strategy ($4.5 million); the establishment of a
Koran community center ($0.5 million); the Innovation Fund that is included
in the Health and Human Services Plan ($0.2 million); the Complete Count
effort for the 2020 Census ($0.1 million); the development and programming
of an interim pop-up park in the Bailey's Crossroads revitalization area
($0.1 million); providing funding for pole-mounted speed display signs
($0.03 million); and providing funding for additional neighborhood speeding
signs ($0.02 million).
Run Dates: Friday, September 7, 2018 and
Friday, September 15, 2018
Ad# 17696