Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
Fairfax County Advertised Budget for FY2023
Fairfax County Advertised Budget for FY2023
FCTA Note:The following notice was extracted from page B5 of the
Washington Times on 03/25/2022 and 04/01/2022 -- AD#59654.
In accordance with Virginia law, notice is hereby given that the Board of
Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia, will meet in the Board Auditorium
of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway,
Fairfax, Virginia, on April 12 at 4:00P.M. and April 13 and April 14 at
3:00P.M. The purpose of these meetings shall be to consider the adoption of
an FY2023 County Budget and to consider such tax rate changes as described
therein. A brief synopsis of the FY2023 Advertised Budget Plan is shown
below. Citizens may appear and be heard for and against the following
estimates of revenues, expenditures, transfers and surpluses as contained
in the FY 2023 Advertised Budget Plan and proposed tax rate changes.
Fiscal Year 2023 begins on July 1, 2022, and ends on June 30, 2023.
At the same time, the Board of Supervisors will hear public testimony
regarding proposed adoption of the FY2023-FY2027 Advertised Capital
Improvement Program (With Future Fiscal Years to 2032).
All persons wishing to present their views on these subjects may sign up
to be placed on the Speakers List at
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/bosclerk/speakers-form, call the Office of the Clerk
to the Board at 703-324-3151, or appear and be heard. Copies of the full
text of proposed ordinances, plans and amendments, as applicable, as well as
other documents relating to the aforementioned subjects, are on file and may
be examined at the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors, Suite 552
of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway,
Fairfax, Virginia.
Fairfax County supports the Americans with Disabilities Act by making
reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Open captioning
will be provided in the Board Auditorium. For sign language interpreters or
other accommodations, please call the Clerk's Office, 703-324-3151, TTY 711
(Virginia Relay Center) no later than 48 hours before the public hearing.
Assistive listening devices will be available at the meeting.
Copies of the FY 2023 Advertised Budget Plan and the FY2023-FY2027
Advertised Capital Improvement Program (With Future Fiscal Years to 2032)
are available on the Internet at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/budget.
General Fund Group
10001 General Fund [1] $1,743,187,376 $3,003,541,493 $4,776,728,869 $3,819,110,881
10010 Revenue Stabilization 0 0 0 0
10015 Economic Opportunity Reserve 0 0 0 0
10020 Consolidated Community Funding Pool 12,897,910 0 12,897,910 0
10030 Contributory Fund 15,720,288 0 15,720,288 0
10040 Information Technology 0 0 0 0
Total General Fund Group $1,771,805,574 $3,003,541,493 $4,805,347,067 $3,819,110,881
Debt Service Funds
20000 Consolidated Debt Service $340,052,647 $0 $340,052,647 $0
Capital Project Funds
30000 Metro Operations and Construction $91,635,513 $3,410,757 $95,046,270 $0
30010 General Construction & Contrib. 27,172,006 0 27,172,006 0
30015 Environment and Energy Program 1,298,767 0 1,298,767 0
30020 Infrastructure Replacemt & Upgrades 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 0
30030 Library Construction 0 0 0 0
30040 Contributed Roadway Improvement 0 134,000 134,000 0
30050 Transportation Improvements 0 0 0 0
30060 Pedestrian Walkway Improvements 0 0 0 0
30070 Public Safety Construction 0 0 0 0
30080 Commercial Revitalization Program 0 0 0 0
30090 Pro Rata Share Drainage Construction 0 0 0 0
30300 Affordable Housing Dev & Investment 25,386,000 0 25,386,000 19,686,000
30310 Housing Assistance Program 0 0 0 0
30400 Park Authority Bond Construction 0 0 0 0
S31000 Public School Construction 203,814,043 0 203,814,043 0
Total Capital Project Funds $350,806,329 $3,544,757 $354,351,086 $19,686,000
Special Revenue Funds
40000 County Transit Systems $130,399,164 $0 $130,399,164 $0
40010 County & Regional Transport Projects 69,801,634 38,522,000 108,323,634 62,859,433
40030 Cable Communications 11,665,893 7,719,974 19,385,867 0
40040 Fairfax-Falls Church Comm Svcs Bd 202,350,409 0 202,350,409 0
40045 Early Childhood Birth to 5 33,452,573 0 33,452,573 0
40050 Reston Community Center 9,606,316 0 9,606,316 8,930,260
40060 McLean Community Center 7,832,827 0 7,832,827 5,636,842
40070 Burgundy Village Community Center 47,656 0 47,656 40,521
40080 Integrated Pest Management Program 3,433,931 151,000 3,584,931 2,692,792
40090 E-911 57,683,070 0 57,683,070 0
40100 Stormwater Services 92,993,055 1,400,000 94,393,055 94,393,055
40110 Dulles Rail Ph I Trans Improvement 14,008,250 0 14,008,250 15,629,149
40120 Dulles Rail Ph II Trans Improvement 500,000 0 500,000 21,481,900
40125 Metrorail Parking Pledged Revenues 12,597,518 0 12,597,518 0
40130 Leaf Collection 2,648,462 54,000 2,702,462 0
40140 Refuse Collection & Recycling Ops 21,569,641 494,000 22,063,641 0
40150 Refuse Disposal 58,152,178 707,000 58,859,178 0
40170 I-95 Refuse Disposal 10,259,599 209,000 10,468,499 0
40180 Tysons Service District 0 0 0 8,809,234
40190 Reston Service District 0 0 0 2,510,794
40200 Land Development Services 45,810,268 350,000 46,160,268 0
40300 Housing Trust 3,667,191 0 3,667,191 0
40330 Elderly Housing Programs 0 0 0 0
40360 Homeowner & Business Loan Pgms 0 0 0 0
50000 Federal/State Grants 126,217,279 0 126,217,279 0
50800 Community Development Block Grant 6,128,149 0 6,128,149 0
50810 HOME Investment Partnerships Pgm 2,175,471 0 2,175,471 0
S10000 Public School Operating [2] 3,265,508,063 34,345,354 3,299,853,417 0
S40000 School Food & Nutrition Svcs 94,749,795 0 94,749,795 0
S43000 School Adult & Community Ed 8,682,078 0 8,682,078 0
S50000 School Grants & Self Support Pgms 81,193,094 0 81,193,094 0
Total Special Revenue Funds $4,373,133,564 $83,952,328 $4,457,805,892 $222,983,980
TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS $6,835,798,114 $3,121,038,578 $9,956,836,692 $4,061,780,861
Internal Service Funds
60000 County Insurance $36,013,475 $0 $36,013,475 $0
60010 Department of Vehicle Services 79,225,959 0 79,225,959 0
60020 Document Services Division 9,337,443 0 9,337,443 0
60030 Technology Infrastructure Services 48,641,772 0 48,641,772 0
60040 Health Benefits 187,146,541 0 187,146,541 0
S60000 Public School Insurance 19,912,660 0 19,912,660 0
S62000 School Health & Flexible Benefits 609,205,428 0 609,205,428 0
Total Internal Service Funds $988,483,278 $0 $988,483,278 $0
Enterprise Funds
69000 Sewer Revenue $0 $260,300,000 $260,300,000 $0
69010 Sewer Operation and Maintenance 119,360,510 3,000,000 122,360,510 0
69020 Sewer Bond Parity Debt Service 33,503,257 0 33,503,257 0
69030 Sewer Bond Debt Reserve 0 0 0 0
69040 Sewer Bond Subordinate Debt Service 22,358,883 0 22,358,883 0
69300 Sewer Construction Improvements 89,000,000 0 89,000,000 0
69310 Sewer Bond Construction 0 0 0 0
Total Enterprise Funds $264,222,650 $263,300,000 $527,522,650 $0
TOTAL PROPRIETARY FUNDS $1,252,705,928 $263,300,000 $1,516,005,928 $0
Custodial Funds
70000 Route 28 Tax District $12,156,764 $0 $12,156,764 $11,156,286
70040 Mosaic District Comm Devmt Auth 4,881,435 0 4,881,435 4,881,435
Total Custodial Funds $17,037,721 $0 $17,037,721 $16,037,721
Trust Funds
73000 Employees' Retirement Trust $434,904,094 $0 $434,904,094 $0
73010 Uniformed Employees Retiremt Trust 148,226,421 0 148,226,421 0
73020 Police Retirement Trust 114,947,679 0 114,947,679 0
73030 OPEB Trust 14,360,228 0 14,360,228 0
S71000 Educational Employees' Retirement 234,792,898 0 234,792,898 0
S71100 Public School OPEB Trust 16,876,500 0 16,876,500 0
Total Trust Funds $964,107,820 $0 $964,107,820 $0
TOTAL FIDUCIARY FUNDS $981,145,541 $0 $981,145,541 $16,037,721
TOTAL ALL FUNDS $9,069,649,583 $3,384,338,578 $12,453,988,161 $4,077,818,582
- Personal Property taxes of $211,313,944 that are reimbursed by the
Commonwealth as a result of the Personal Property Tax Relief Act of 1998
are included in the Revenue from the Commonwealth category in accordance
with guidelines from the State Auditor of Public Accounts.
- The proposed County General Fund transfer for school operations in FY 2023
totals $2,285,310,924, an increase of $112,649,758, or 5.2 percent, over
the FY 2022 Adopted Budget Plan level. This amount fully funds the actual
transfer request approved by the School Board on February 24, 2022.
The ad also includes these items regarding County levies:
- General real estate tax levy. A tax rate of $1.14 per $100.00
assessed valuation shall be imposed on real property. The net value of
taxable locally assessed real property within the County is estimated
at $290,209,449,300. That total includes supplemental assessments of
$800,000,000 and reductions of $4,775,000,000 for Tax Relief for the
Elderly and Disabled and for Disabled Veterans or Surviving Spouses;
$1,586,000,000 for Exonerations, Certificates, and Tax Abatements.
The total assessed value of all locally assessed real property, including
taxable and tax exempt, is $292,649,428,350 of which 6.9 percent or
$20,230,936,740 is tax exempt. The aggregate assessed value of tax-exempt
non-governmental real property is $4,957,164,020. The reduction in tax
revenues from the non-governmental tax exempt property is $56,511,670
based on a tax rate of $1.14 per $100.00 of assessed value.
- General personal property tax levy. Pursuant to Virginia Code
§ 58.1-3500 et seq, a tax rate of $4.57 per $100.00 assessed
valuation shall be imposed on personal property. The total estimated
value of taxable personal property within the County is estimated at
Fx Co Proposes Supplemental Funds for FY2022
FCTA Note:The following notice was extracted from page B6
of the Washington Times on 03/25/2022 and 04/01/2022 -- AD#59790.
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 15.2-2507 of the Code of
Virginia that at a regular meeting of the Urban County Board of Supervisors
of Fairfax County, Virginia, held in the Board Auditorium of the Fairfax
County Government Center at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax,
Virginia, on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, it was proposed to adopt a supplemental
appropriation of funds for Fairfax County, Virginia for the twelve-month
period beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, and Clerk of said
Board was directed to advertise the proposed resolution with notice that the
Board will hold a public hearing on the same at a regular meeting to be held
in the Board Auditorium of the Fairfax County Government Center on April 12
at 4:00 p.m. and April 13 and 14, 2022 at 1:00 p.m., at which meeting,
persons affected may be heard on said resolution.
All persons wishing to present their views ... (same as above)
The following summarizes the proposed amendments to the FY 2022 Budget Plan.
Those funding adjustments included below are recommendations to revise
funding levels in existing agencies and programs. The entire FY 2022
Third Quarter Review package, which includes these adjustments, was
presented to the Board of Supervisors on March 22, 2022, and is available
for public inspection online at
Current FY 2022 Revised Budget Plan
Total Expenditures - All Funds $12,468,346,026
Proposed Changes:
General Fund* ($1,487,160)
Other Funds $105,852,930
- Capital Construction $10,053,699
- Federal/State Grants 27,550,881
- All Other Funds 68,248,350
School Funds $45,571,335
- School Operating ($14,600,134)
- School Grants & Self Supporting 59,852,689
- School Adult & Community Education 318,780
Total Expenditures in All Funds $12,618,283,131
Increase from FY 2022 Current Budget Plan $149,937,105
* As a result of these adjustments, the FY 2022 available General Fund
balance is $2,000,700. There have been no Consideration Items requested
as of March 18, 2022.