Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance
NextDoor Comments on Fairfax Co 2022 Real Estate Assessments
NextDoor Comments on Fairfax Co 2022 Real Estate Assessments
The following is a compilation of five NextDoor postings regarding the
proposed Fairfax County FY2023 budget increases -- nominally set for an
average countywide increase of 9.57% in residential real estate taxes,
with no change in the tax rate from last year. This was made by simply
copying the text from each NextDoor posting, without opening any of the
"more comments" sublinks. Hopefully, this compilation will give you the
gist of taxpayer feeling. The link to each posting is provided for those
so interested. -- David Swink, FCTA
From https://nextdoor.com/p/2m4CP3CFSpLk?view=detail ...
Fairfax County Government - Director, External Communications Greg Licamele - 02/23/2022
2022 Real Estate Assessments Available; FY2023 County Budget Proposed.
Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill presented the FY 2023 Advertised Budget
Plan to the Board of Supervisors today, Feb. 22, including a flat $1.14
Real Estate Tax rate, full funding of the Fairfax County Public Schools'
request, full funding of the county employee compensation plan and
investments in county priorities like opioid use prevention, Diversion
First and affordable housing.
2022 real estate assessments are also available today online and are being
mailed to property owners. Based on equalization changes (market-driven
value changes) residential assessments are up an average of 9.57%.
At the proposed rate under the FY 2023 Advertised Budget, the average tax
bill would increase by approximately $666. Public input and hearings will
be scheduled and the Board will not adopt a final budget until May.
Posted to Subscribers of Fairfax County Government
Mark H. - Court of Camelot
How about adopting zero baseline budgeting. Just because we funded it last
year, it doesn't mean that it has to be funded this year. Every expenditures
should have to be justified every year.
Marsha F. - Springfield, VA
Wow, how lucky can we get -- increased real estate taxes from Fairfax County
on top of the 40 year high inflation rate with gasoline, oil, food,
electricity, housing, and other goods increasing their rise. Better redo
your budgets everyone and plan for the worse as stability in this country
is a bit shaky right now.
Barbara Karcher - Springfield, VA
Marsha: and it got even more shaky today
Cindy H. - Holmes Run Acres
In Virginia, counties are given few revenue options to pay for services.
About 80 percent of Fairfax County revenue comes from property taxes
(real estate and personal property). Other revenues are either capped
or controlled by the Virginia General Assembly.
Marsha F. - Springfield, VA
Cindy: what happened to the billions and billions of dollars given to
Virginia from the Federal government during COVID from 2020 through 2021
trickled down from states to counties. Please don't say it was used for
COVID only because that just would not be an accurate statement. I'll look
for the numbers because I've posted them before. Where are the increased
services from those funds? Millions and millions were given to county
school districts. Where are the trillions of dollars given by the Federal
government to states and counties for infrastructure recently? Have you
heard what infrastructure improvements we'll get in Fairfax County?
Northram bragged about leaving a surplus in Virginia state funds.
What will that be used for? Forgive me but there has been billions and
billions of emergency funds given to counties and states which should
alleviate tax raises for its citizens. Government waste!
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
In this discussion (before the inevitable closing), keep in mind that your
actual tax bill is the assessed value multiplied by the tax rate. The value
is supposed to be fair market value, determined objectively, so unless an
error has been made (you can appeal) there's not much you can do about that.
The tax rate, however, is decided by the Board of Supervisors. So what
residents should do is insist that the Board set a tax rate such that
-- at the very least -- the average homeowner does not see an increased bill.
And even then, some of us might end up paying more; my asssessment went up
more than 18%.
Susan Hancock - Centreville, VA
Albert Love your "before the inevitable closing" comment. Definitely the
hallmark of Nextdoor.
Irene Gardner - Springfield, VA
Fairfax County saw a record tax haul in 2021. And no tax hike was required.
(Ref: https://www.bizjournals.com/washington/news/2021/12/02/fairfax-county-sees-a-record-tax-haul-in-2021.html)
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
It's somewhat ironic that the county wants to aid "affordable housing" by
raising the cost of owning a home.
Dorothy S Hassan - McLean, VA
Albert: Most homes in the McLean area are out of reach for most.
John B. - Falls Church, VA
Exemption limits for disabled or 65+, is raised to $90k/yr & $400k
wealth(+home). (Ref: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/taxes/real-estate/exemptions)
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
John B. CORRECTION: DISREGARD...Good catch! Thanks for pointing that out.
Makes the impact that much worse.
Gaye Stone - King's Park
Remember this the next time we have an opportunity to vote. BTW, aren't
the BoS logo printed face masks an interesting was to spend our tax money!
Paul D. - Burke, VA
Gaye: probably cost a million dollars. It's always the same. After every
election on how we vote.
Leigh Ann Linney - Burke, VA
Gaye: Not again...just let those masks go!
Susan Hancock - Centreville, VA
Don't forget the money spent to change the names of roads, schools and now
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
Susan: Yes, that stuff has to stop - now. We're going into a period
of high inflation and overall economic uncertainty. It's not the time to be
spending on useless feel-good items to appease a vocal few.
Marsha F. - Springfield, VA
Looking forward to Governor Youngkin's taxpayer rebates, elimination of
state's grocery tax, and a suspension of a scheduled increase in the gas tax.
That's if democrats will come around to supporting his proposals. Guess
we'll need it to pay Fairfax County tax increases. Youngkin recently said
"we have seen the coffers in Virginia's government continue to fill up at
an extraordinary rate because they're overtaxing all Virginians. And at
the end of the day, it is your money."
Youngkin said the state is projected to bring in $13.4 billion in
unanticipated revenue. The governor wants to give $4.5 billion back to
taxpayers. Which begs the original question. Why is Fairfax County raising
real estate taxes so high again?
Dorothy S Hassan - McLean, VA
Marsha: Meanwhile, our infrastructure crumbles.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
So, are our hands tied and we can't do anything about it?!? Who are these
geniuses that think this a good time to raise taxes?!! Is it because the
housing market is booming so they have to get every pennies worth?! I want
to know whose brilliant idea this is. If anyone in charge of making these
decisions had half a brain they would know this is NOT the time to do this!
It should be tabled, it's not like the county will fall apart and be tight
on money if it doesn't pass -- reallocate funds find a way to support all
these 'County priorities' (And what is 'diversion first' anyway??) another
way, dear God figure out a way without raising taxes and screwing US!!
Marsha F. - Springfield, VA
Jennifer: OP it says public comments are invited and decisions won't be made
until May. But my experience with the Fairfax County Government Board of
Supervisors is they make the decisions impacting Fairfax citizens and then
seek public comment. Maybe Greg Licamele with the County above can advise
where and how to send comments on our concerns.
Mimi W F. - Alexandria, VA
Marsha: Budget committee meetings take place in March and April, with public
hearings scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday, April 12-14. Markup (when
the Board makes changes to the advertised budget) takes place on Tuesday,
April 26, and the Board adopts the FY 2023 Budget on Tuesday, May 10.
Learn more about participating in the budget public hearings, including by
phone or video submission https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/bosclerk/speakers-form.
You can also email testimony to the Clerk to the Board's office or call with
questions at (703)324-3151 (TTY 711). Register to speak using the online
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Mimi: Thank you for the info -- maybe you can make this an individual POST
on NextDoor so people can be aware and take action. I think this is
something that many people are interested in.
Irene Gardner - Springfield, VA
Ref: Citizen's Guide to the Budget
Dianne Mason - Pimmit Hills
Just got our reassement for our home went up 60,000 this year and it's an
older home.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Dianne: So, you can do the math on just $60K at 9.57% -- $5742.
So I Hope this will incentivize you to attend or send an email to the
County about this. If enough citizens stand up then hopefully there is a
chance to change this proposal?! This will affect ALL of us and now is the
time for US to be heard!
Barbara Bell - Fairhill / Merrifield
Jennifer Milton My assessed value went up $87,000 with a 14.2% levy change!
$32k on the land/$52k on the building - which is an older home built in 1946.
Nikki Thompson - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
My tax bill is saying the value increased $228k. There is no way it
increased that much from 2021. I have to file an appeal.
Dorothy S Hassan - McLean, VA
Nikki: The real estate market is very hot right now. It's possible.
Kathy B. - Uplands
This "hot" market only benefits those who want/need to sell & the county.
Those of us who have no intention of moving are hurt by this insanity.
When the market crashes will the county slash of assessment? They love
the cash cow. In the name of EQUITY they should be fair!
Dorothy S Hassan - McLean, VA
Kathy: Yes, it certainly doesn't help the buyers, especially when there's
the inevitable correction.
Alyssa Katz - Greenbriar Fairfax
I just saw that the assessed value of my house went up 12.59%, an increase of
over $70,000. In the TWO years since I bought my house, this makes for a
$118,000 total increase. I truly don't know how this is sustainable for
residents. It is incredibly disheartening that the Board is not looking
to lower the rate to compensate for some of these increases.
Val K. - Centreville, VA
Alyssa: They don't care. Northern Virginia don't like people who don't make
big money; they do that so if you can't afford you move and the big money
makers move in. The only thing they have not been able to tax is the air
you breathe, God forbid if they can ration that we will be in trouble.
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
Val: Yes, the county essentially sees itself a the landlord, whose duty is
to maximize the rental revenue paid by tenants (homeowners) living on its
Charles Campbell - Herndon, VA
A very sneaky way to increase tax revenues without actually increasing
the tax rates.
Marsha F. - Springfield, VA
So what's with public comment period in the new budget raising real estate
taxes, Greg. My son just got a tax assessment from County today raising
his real estate taxes by 14.6%, an increase of $800. Ours was by 15.2%,
another $800 a year increase. Thanks Fairfax County. Along with your high
attrition rates, gas, grocery and stupid plastic bag tax, plus utility
increases, you'll probably drive us seniors out of the County. Where does
public comment fit in again if taxpayers have received notices of their
tax hikes already?
Director, External Communications Greg Licamele - Fairfax County Government - Author
Hi Marsha, The assessment notice you received reflects the increase in your
property value. It is not a tax bill. The County Executive presented his
proposed budget yesterday, which is the beginning of the budget process.
In addition to budget town halls in each of the supervisory districts, three
days of public hearings are scheduled, from April 12-14, before a budget
is approved on May 10. The Board of Supervisors decides on the tax rate
on which your bill will be based. It's currently $1.14 for every $100.
No decisions have been made for the next fiscal year yet. Here's more info
to provide input: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/clerkservices/ways-provide-public-hearing-testimony.
Wendy O'Connell - Herndon, VA
We just retired - you're really making it hard to stay.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Wendy: Just don't give up, fight for it!
From https://nextdoor.com/p/Pm_dy_gP5qC6?view=detail ...
Tony Paduano • Alexandria, VA • 02/24/2022
2022 Assessed Value of Property
I just received my 2022 assessed value of my home from Fairfax County and
it went up 9.33%.
I would imagine a lot of people's assessments went up quite a bit. With
this in mind, I would expect the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to
lower the tax rate which will be announced on May 10. For them to raise
the tax rate would be unconscionable based on how this pandemic has
negatively affected residents this past year. They will still bring in
quite a bit of revenue based on the 2022 assessments.
Please note: There is nothing offensive in my post and no individual is
mentioned, so I don't expect this post to be deleted by any LEADS,
especially in my community. Thank you.
Nancy Hoblit - Alexandria, VA
Tony: Article in WP today said county executive proposes to freeze property
taxes this year because of higher home prices. The higher home prices will
automatically increase property value, thus increasing taxes by default.
He proposes sending schools more funding and giving county employees a
4% raise.
Tony Paduano - Alexandria, VA - Author
Nancy: Instead of freezing it, why not decrease it. That'll probably still
increase the revenue based on the higher assessments. Another concern is
whether schools are being run efficiently, there are no redundancies, etc....
Estaci Suzzano - Alexandria, VA
Nancy: a 4% raise?? Hahahaha. That's a cost of living increase which
doesn't even come close to covering the inflation rate. Let's be clear,
there is ZERO raise on the table for county employees. At this point Fairfax
County government employees have some of the lowest salaries in the area.
michael p. - Falls Church, VA
My assessment came today and it is up over 16% from last year. Over the
last 2 years my tax bill will be 33% higher.
Latisha White - Wedgewood
michael: mine too, 16.84%. It was a jump as last year it only went up 4%.
I haven't had my home long but the spike is a bit intimidating.
Jeffrey Longo - Falls Church, VA
According to the county executive's proposed budget which assumes a flat tax
rate (no increase, no decrease in the tax rate), he would be able to fund
all main county priorities and the full FCPS budget transfer request - all
of which gives pretty good pay bumps to county and FCPS employees - and
still has an $80 million surplus.
Each $.01 of real estate tax per $100 of assessed value equates to just
under $30 million in revenue. My guess is that the supervisors will
ADVERTISE a rate of $1.14 (flat rate), and then ADOPT a rate of $1.12
($.02 rate cut), which would still leave them over $20 million additional
to fund other things they want to do. Any greater of a tax cut is wishful
thinking IMO, and even $.02 may be asking for too much.
That being said - if your assessment went up by 10%, a $.02 rate cut still
will result in an effective ~8.2% tax bill hike.
Tony Paduano - Alexandria, VA - Author
Jeffrey: still a hefty tax hike IMO. I can handle that, but many may not
be able to deal with that increase.
Terry Looney - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
You're lucky. My assessment went up over 16 percent. Now if we could just
get some services for what we pay. Oh I forgot, I live in the Red Headed
Step Child part of the county.
Tony Paduano - Alexandria, VA - Author
Terry: YIKES!!!!
David Allison - Alexandria, VA
You are funny, they never lower the rate; they like to crow about how they
are good stewards and kept the rate the same and how lucky you are they
didn't raise the rate.
Mary R. - Annandale, VA
David: always easy to spend someone else's money so no wonder they don't
lower the rate
Lauren Gates Risden - New Providence
Mine went up 14%.
Nikki Thompson - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
Mine went up 37%! It should be illegal to increase it by that much!
David Allison - Alexandria, VA
Nikki: it should be illegal. I moved here from Texas, which has very high
property taxes, but at least they limit the increase somewhat (no more than
Albert LaFrance - Jefferson VL&Greenway Dns
See also this thread: https://nextdoor.com/p/2m4CP3CFSpLk?utm_source=share&extras=MTM2ODk2NA%3D%3D
Frank C. - Alexandria, VA
Albert LaFrance Good thread to explain the proposed budget, process and
provide public input.
Frank C. - Alexandria, VA
Here is an excerpt from Supervisor Herrity's newsletter:
"In addition to real estate assessment increases, it's likely you will also
see an increase in your personal property tax. The average personal property
tax bill will increase by $181 due to supply chain impacts that have resulted
in significantly increased valuations for used cars. The revenue generated
by this increase will be $83M beyond what is included in the County
Executive's advertised budget. I plan to look at options to forgo this
tax increase as well especially considering this additional revenue is
not yet appropriated.
Between now and May 10th when the Board formally adopts its budget,
I strongly encourage you to share your feedback on how taxes and County
spending are affecting you.
Here are a few ways you can be heard:
- Call Chairman McKay's office (he is also Chairman of the Board's Budget
Committee) and the other Board members and/or email the entire Board at:
- Sign up to testify at the Budget Public Hearings April 12-14th. You can
provide testimony via phone, pre-recorded video, or in person. You can
also send written testimony to the entire Board through the Clerk's office:
- Attend my annual Budget Townhall on Wednesday, March 30th at 7 p.m. in
the Community Room at the West Springfield Government Center with County
Executive Bryan Hill and Phil Hagen from the Department of Management
and Budget. I invite you to come share your concerns and questions with
me then."
I am only one vote on the Board and while I would like to see us look at
significantly cutting the tax rate, that will not happen without my
colleagues hearing from you. You can find the contact information for
the other Board offices here:
Ray Culter - Holmes Run Acres
My assessed value also went way up. I am sure the value increased as
demand exceeds supply. I hope they drop rate, especially with all that
is happening.
Rebecca Swoboda - Tyler Park
I don't understand how my house can go up in value when it's over 70 years
old!! I think these tax assessors need to get off their butts and walk the
neighborhoods like they used to!!
Chris Leonard - Alexandria, VA
Rebecca: It's the land that's shot up in value, doesn't matter how old your
house is. The market's been insane the past two years, of course values
have skyrocketed. Mine went up too.
Robert Hall - Poplar Heights
It's the land that increases in value.
Tom Whiting - Ravensworth Bristow
I get that land value has increased & is driven by "market value", but is
there any reason for the astronomical 1-year increase? Services haven't
improved, I still pay for my trash pickup, street lighting still awful;
Annandale Atoms still leave their trash all over the neighborhood.
My neighbor thinks it may be the perceived value Amazon's HQ will bring,
but that is still a fur piece from Fairfax Co. Is there a county bond
I'm forgetting?
Paul Chernoff - Arlington, VA
Agreed, it is the value of the land going up. The value of the house itself
probably decreased. We are seeing land values going up in the past few
years. We love being able to sell our homes for more money but hate paying
the higher taxes.
But you can do stuff. Check your tax records and see if they are accurate.
I discovered that the county thought my house was larger than it was. This
was a mistake that possibly went back 50 years or more to the original house
on our lot (we built on the old foundation). The county rebated us for
overpaid taxes for the previous 3 years. I complained under my breath about
the previous years but my brother informed me that where he lives you don't
get back any overpaid taxes if you discover a mistake. So it is the
responsibility of the landowner to ensure that the county records are
Does the new accessed value seem out of line? A rough calculation is to
look on Zillow and Redfin and Realtor.com, and Homesnap. You can also
consider hiring an accessor. Arlington County seems to be a year behind in
housing prices, I've noticed that my taxes went down a year after housing
prices dropped, for example. Traditionally local governments use the lower
value of a range of values, you usually can sell your home for more than
the assessed value.
Last, check for any programs which might lower your taxes, especially if
you are over 65 or disabled.
michael p. - Falls Church, VA
Paul: Nope, land AND structure value increased.
Paul Chernoff - Arlington, VA
michael: so it can vary. My structure went down. I wonder why yours
increased if you didn't make any improvements. I found the assessment
people easy to work with.
Robert Barlow - Truro
Yup, ours is up too, estimated at 9k+ bill coming in July. Did notice the
asset ceiling for tax relief is now 400k. But that is still inadequate.
Jill Gerald - Alexandria, VA
Be thankful. Mine went up 11%+.
Debbie Kurylo - Idylwood
My Real-estate Tax went up by 14.95%!!! This is ridiculous! Thanks
Doug Brashear - Fenwick Park
10% increase here... It never even occurred to me that a reduction in the
rate might happen. Fingers crossed.
Christine Child - Pine Spring
Ours is up 25% ... both land and structure have gone up significantly.
To say I was shocked is an understatement.
Gaye Stone - King's Park
15.56%! Why! Can't wait for the next election. Vote for fiscal
responsibility. (Why did they need special masks with the county logo
printed on them?!)
Amy Ackard - North Springfield
Or stickers that say, "I voted". Lol.
andrew bolte - Little River
On the bright side, 3 houses on my street are for sale at substantially
higher prices then the owners paid. May they enjoy their new found wealth!
My house will go up because more sales means more data to derive the higher
assessments, but at some point I too will sell, and hope Portugal is still
accepting Americans.
Gina M. - Alexandria, VA
andrew: Exactly. Higher assessments = higher home value.
Jay Harreld - Falls Church, VA
Up 18%. They raised the tax rate in 2009 to make up for lower home values.
Now is the time to lower it as the reverse happens. Good luck with that,
andrew bolte - Little River
Jay: The fear of having to raise it again after being reelected keeps them
from lowering it!
From https://nextdoor.com/p/P5Z3YTNpBM__?view=detail ...
Christian Ballester - Fairfax Station, VA - 02/24/2022
Anyone else a bit surprised at the 12.56% rise in property taxes for 2022?
I realize values have soared but you'd think Fairfax County might consider
letting the market stabilize before levying such a dramatic increase.
Posted in General to Anyone
Philip Dondes - Burke, VA
Tax rates for 2022 have not been adopted. I expect the rate to go down.
Christian Ballester - Fairfax Station, VA - Author
Philip: Hope so, Phillip.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Hello, please go to the County website to give your input to this INSANE
tax raise! The "public" will be heard on 4/12-4/14 to express your concerns
by emailing or signing up to speak against this proposal!! (https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/bosclerk/speakers-form)
Wake up folks! Please join forces and make it known that a 9.57% property
tax [increase] is NOT acceptable at this time!
Inna Dean - Burke, VA
Right, if cannot budget, reduce that budget, stop robbing taxpayers.
Connie Fu - Kings Park West
The significant increase on property tax started around 2014. Zillow can
show it easily, just pick a home in the county. The county library not only
closed on Sunday but now Monday too.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Connie: Please bring or provide the info when you go to the website
to prove the point AGAINST this increase!
Billy Valentine - Fairfax, VA
Board of Supervisors have already said they are likely not lowering the
rate, so everyone is going to see massive hikes.
Jennifer Milton • Burke, VA
Billy: So we just lay down an die?! That is NOT ACCEPTABLE!! Our property
is what is being used to make money for our community. We need to tell them
how it will be done/spent. Sorry, if you let this go then it will be the
road to our extinction! If this Administration is constantly NOT taking
into consideration how to run/base/make our COUNTRY be for the citizens,
then we can all just "lay down and die" ?!
I can't believe that ANYONE would think that right now is the best that
AMERICA CAN DO?! Let us not focus on what our Founding fathers did for us
-- freedom, less taxes, a belief in GOD-given rights -- just being a citizen
of this country. That YES -- every country tries to emulate -- but ain't
there yet?! We have a choice. Hopefully, based on knowing that AMERICA is
based on what it stands for will stand strong! Even in a time that doesn't
represent that right now. I give folks that voted for this "representation"
of our COUNTRY solitude because I hope in your hearts you know that the
choices you made affect all of us.
Linda Lorenz - Somerset/Olde Creek
Somebody is getting fat on these crazy hikes! Sure isn't us!!
Katy Ronan - Canterbury Woods
Linda: The ones who get fat are the ones getting the tax cuts, so not the
majority of us.
Amy Sanders - Fairfax, VA
I guess everyone forgot about all of those "shall incur a debt" items they
voted YES for in the last election??
Victoria Wyant - West Springfield, VA
Amy, you are so right! Before the last election, my brother said OK let's
go over these items that will be on the ballot - He wanted to make sure that
I understood fully what the repercussions could be if I voted in support of
certain issues - that in turn will increase our taxes and cost us even more
Jason Merriman - Fairfax Station, VA
FYI - There is a note at the bottom of the tax assessment that states very
clearly: "The estimated taxes are calculated using the 2021 tax rate, and
is subject to change. PLEASE NOTE: Tax Rates for 2022 have not yet been
adopted by the Board of Supervisors".
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA
Jason: Yes, so we need to let them know we do not approve of these proposed
Jason Merriman - Fairfax Station, VA
This is not a 'tax hike'. Just an increase in the estimated tax assessment
based on the increase in property values.
The Tax Levy is an Estimate
The estimated tax levy shown on your assessment notice is just that -- an
estimate. As required by state law, the estimated tax for 2022 is based
on the 2022 assessment and Fairfax County's 2021 tax rates. This is an
estimate because the Board of Supervisors has not yet adopted tax rates for
2022, but will do so as part of the budget process. The "levy", or tax,
is a combination of your current assessment and the current adopted (2021)
tax rates."
(Ref: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news/2022-real-estate-assessments-now-available-average-residential-increase-957)
Recently posted information about the proposed budget indicates that they
may keep the rate the same for this year:
Billy Valentine - Fairfax, VA
Jason: If they keep the rate the same with the higher assessments, it is
a tax hike. It isn't a hike in the rate, it is a hike in the amount.
Sandra Meyer - Fairfax, VA
My Real Estate Assessment went up 8.24%. What is interesting is that the
county values my home for $16,800 more then the Zillow estimate I got on
February 10th.
Arthur Lerner - Burke, VA
Sandra: I'm sure you're aware the assessment is subject to appeal.
However, a Zillow "zestimate" will be of no value.
Linda Lorenz - Somerset/Olde Creek
I recently had my house assessed since I was selling. The county assessment
I just received in mail. Was way over what the assessor determined!
Monique Craft - Springfield, VA
Linda: I believe you are referring to an appraisal versus a tax assessment.
Market values and appraisals are typically always higher than the tax
assessment in this rising real estate market as the county is always trying
to catch up. When the real estate market goes down, then the reverse is
true....tax values are typically higher than appraisals and market value.
Chris Johnston - Burke, VA
This is just the normal routine every year. Home prices went up alot and
so did assessments. It all depends on what the comps were at the time the
county made the assessments. My assessment is below zillow value and
certainly inline with recent comps.
Linda Lorenz - Somerset/Olde Creek
Chris: The assessor was here just last month so that's why it is surprising!
Andrew Ryan - Fairfax, VA
You get what you voted for...
Joel Leson - Fairfax Station, VA
Andrew: You got that right!!!
Chris Johnston - Burke, VA
Not really, the assessment process is straight forward and not dependent
on the party of the supervisors. I suspect the board will be looking at
reducing the tax rate that is applied to the assessed values.
David Breeden - Manassas, VA
Chris: I've never had a house assessment well over any anything I could hope
to actually sell for -- until living in NOVA. In many areas the tax is 20%
under actual value.... here it's atleast 10% over... I have contested.
I suspect the supervisors or at least someone is putting preasure on for
these high assesments to generate more revenue. It's simply wrong.
Chris Johnston - Burke, VA
And in my case, the comps and zillow values are well above my assessed value,
which still went up 10 percent, in line with the general increase in sale
prices last year. If you have comps, etc, that are well below your assessed
value, I would appeal it, per the directions the county provided in the
info they mailed out.
Chris Johnston - Burke, VA
Read the back of the assessment you got in the mail. Between it, the
website mentioned on the back, and the green assessment info sheet, you can
learn alot about your assessment. You can appeal the assessment too.
Sandy V. - Fairfax / Ridge Top
Chris: Online complaining is preferred annual ritual
Peter Colbourne - Burke, VA
We often get a double increase, the rate goes up and the assessment goes up.
The county can't budget but sure know how to increase our costs.
charlotte ashby - Kings Park West
Someone has to pick up the tab for the above. We pay more and get less.
Katy Ronan - Canterbury Woods
charlotte: Vote for the people who want to raise taxes on the wealthy
instead of giving them massive tax cuts.
Penny Dimler - Canterbury Woods
The only % change I see is the estimated value of the property, which is
not the same as yours.
Peter Colbourne - Burke, VA
They should freeze assessments for the retired and others on fixed income.
John Hurley - Oak Hill
Peter: Definitely agree on a means test, but there are retirees in generous
pensions systems whose income goes up faster than many working peoples'
Paul Smith - Wood Rd
Remember, we elected the board members, and their particular political party
loves taking and spending our taxes. Hi Hopefully they will lower the rate,
but if not, vote them out and reasonable people in.
From https://nextdoor.com/p/ShH_zDxJMchR?view=detail ...
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA - 02/24/2022
The County proposal on raising property taxes. Hello ALL,
Not sure if you are following the post from Fairfax County Communications
department about the proposed property tax increase of 9.57% ?
I'm hoping most of you realize what that means?! Your taxes will increase
by a lot! So, there is a way to express your opinion and outright
disbelief that such a proposal would be made at this time.
Please go to the website (https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/bosclerk/speakers-form)
and make your opinion heard. This proposal affects ALL of us, and maybe
that's something that needs to be driven home for the "county executives"
that have forgotten about the citizens and how they will be affected by this
proposal. As I have stated before: On what planet would this tax increase
make any sense for our citizens -- especially during this time of inflation,
price of gas and groceries, and overall stress on every citizen just trying
to make ends meet. I challenge the "Executive's" to dig deeper, cut the fat
and help 'US' citizens have faith that they can and will do the right thing.
In the mean time, go to the website, talk to your neighbors, make a stand
or else suffer the consequences. Thank you for your time.
Posted in General to Anyone
Siqi Chen - Somerset/Olde Creek
We could have made school remote learning permanent and paying half of
property tax right now. Missed a great opportunity. FCPS spends $16,000
per student. Every young family sending 1 kid to school is paid by 2
homeowners, 2 kids, 4 homeowners, 3 kids, 6 homeowners. The number grows
exponentially. The only way to lower property tax mathematically is to make
children stay home. New Jersey pays $22,000 per student. Their property
tax is $19,000 for a 4 bedroom house. Given the comparable living index,
we are not even half way there yet.
Subhash Paradkar - WVPCA
Siqi: Our county is top 10 county in the US. Has Thomas Jefferson School
for Science and Technology. Culturally diverse multi-ethnic students need
interaction to be competitive in global markets. School offers laboratory
experience, science projects, music, team sports, physical exercise, prepares
students to real world for higher education in fields of their choice.
They learn social interaction, how to cope with success and failure, racism,
sexism and bullying. We need add international music, dancing, festivity,
food recipes and understanding cultures and group discussions where we teach
how to learn self-reliance, being respectful to others who are look, talk
and dress different. Youth needs to know about environmental science,
global warming, biology, zoology, water contamination, physics and chemistry
labs, computer labs where they can experiment. If we eliminate unethical
drugs, alcohol, dependency on drugs, and replace with meditation social
work and promoting science, technology and innovation that helps human race
and animal kingdom survive with sustainable development.
Gaye Stone - King's Park
No idea what the special masks with the county logo on them cost or, even
better, why they were bought! Yes, I know it's a small piece of the
county's huge budget, but small cuts make a difference. However, it's
possible that they paid for the masks themselves out of the almost $100,000
we pay them yearly.
Scott Erickson - Springfield, VA
Gaye: Look at the spending on CRT... Kendi books and lectures. Look at what
FCPS spends on bullying and filing lawsuits against parents.
Jason Merriman - Fairfax Station, VA
Jennifer: Not sure what outrage machine is feeding you your information
today, but I think that you're referring to this:
The average assessment has increased by 9.57% due to to the increase in home
values, not an increase in the tax rate.
The real estate tax rate for 2022 was set at 1.14%, a decrease from 1.15%
in 2021. The tax rate for 2023 (what we are seeing now) will be set by the
board of supervisors later this spring.
Hopefully they reduce it a bit to compensate for the large increase in
assessed values due to the housing boom.
Brenda Hill - Burke, VA
Lisa: I don't understand why you found the matter-of-fact delivery of
information condescending.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA - Author
It is an outrage that this proposal is being entertained at this time.
YES, that IS what I'm saying. Either the assessment rate needs to be
reduced -- because it seems like everyone's rate is higher than that anyway
-- OR the tax rate needs to be reduced. They need to take into consideration
the current economic situation and how it will affect all of us for a while.
Now is NOT the time for this increase!
Chris Johnson - Canterbury Woods
Jennifer, this isn't a "proposal", and the tax rate very well may be reduced.
You need to wait until after the BoS sets the tax rates for 2023 before
freaking out. House prices all over the county have shot up in value,
you can't just lower assessments in the face of that. The county has a
large surplus, the 2023 rate should go down. If the board keeps the
current rate, then feel free to come back and post this again, but all
indications are that it will be lowered.
Maryanne Culpepper - Mantua
Jason Merriman is right. Your tax RATE is not changing. The amount you
will pay is going up because the VALUE of your house has gone up in this
recent housing bubble. Look at the assessed value of your home compared to
last year. You're going to pay the same % as last year -- but on a greater
assessed value.
Lisa Gingrich - Oak Hill
Maryanne: "just" higher assessments. That makes it ok? How about the
county relearns how to run itself? Why should the county automatically
and incessently raise assessments every time "the market/bubble" goes up?
Following your excuse, how about monthly reassessments? Do they lower it
went things bust?
Annelise McQuay - Signal Hill-S.Port-Narnia
One thing that LA does right: your property value is only reassessed when
you buy. You know when you buy your home what your value will be for
property taxes from the very beginning. It helps you budget.
Monica Cameron - Mantua
Jennifer: I agree with you. Property owners need to speak up at BOS
meetings and voice your concerns. I encourage property owners/tax payers
to educate with facts and reach out to their reps with their concerns.
Joanne Mueller - Fairfax Station, VA
Our assessment went up by over $100K. Is this what you mean, or is it
the mil levy that is increasing? Hopefully not both!
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA - Author
Joanne: Yes, the assessments increased, which even if they keep the tax rate
the same will have a HUGH impact on what you will have to pay. They need to
either adjust the assessment 9.57% rate or the 1.17% tax rate or both for
that matter!! Don't forget they also got millions/billions from the Fed!!
Please be proactive and contact the BOS and tell them the rates have to
James Hawkins - Long Branch
Following normal routine, the BOS will pretend to listen them do what they
want. Citizens should ask "Why would BOS have the gaul to even propose such
a hike now?"
Doug Blythe - Springfield, VA
I would suggest a better question is "Why do they need the money?" There is
an attitude that "Fairfax is rich" but that doesn't justify wasting a lot of
Harold So - Springfield, VA
Doug, the county is rich at the expense of the population. ;) but yes WHY!!!
Scott Erickson - Springfield, VA
Doug: FCPS spent $25K on books and lectures from Kendi. FCPS spent a lot of
our tax dollars hiring a McAuliffe-linked law firm to bully and sue parents.
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA - Author
Both of your questions are valid and should be brought up to the BOS!!
Make your voices heard!! If enough of us speak up then maybe they will
realize we are paying attention to their actions and stop assuming that
we're 'made of money' and can spend it at their own leisure!!
gino marchetti - Springfield, VA
Just received my assessment. Went up over $800K. I now pay $8K/yr in
property tax. That seems like alot, particularly when I drive down
Old Keene Mill Rd. and for months dodge the same potholes.
Karl Walther - Pine Ridge
gino: Potholes are the state's responsibility; your real estate taxes don't
have anything to do with VDOT road maintenance.
Subhash Paradkar • WVPCA
Kathleen: In Federal Government agencies, we use Planning, Programming,
Budgeting, Execution System. Before we plan a home renovation. We look at
functional requirements and capacity and capability to take on Project.
In crises like Wars, natural disasters, influx of immigrants from all over
the world, social reforms and adapting to changes in technology require tax
relief for senior citizens, most vulnerable people in our community. Our
property value fluctuates because of free market system. It has increased
in last 18 months.
Fairfax County is 2/3rd Dems. You would expect that it is going to spend
more to help working class and immigrants. Tax incentives are provided to
attract businesses. Due to Corona, more malls, retail shops, restaurants
closed. So, tax revenues reduced. Our choice is deficit financing or
taxing those who accumulated wealth. Our HOAs, Civic Associations need to
actively participate in Capacity and Capability planning. Leverage
technology to attract businesses that create employment and strong
tax base. Change is constant.
Kathleen S. - Springfield, VA
Subhash: Thank you for that lengthy explanation. I simply asked you where
you got your data on FCPS being in the top 10 in the US.
Janice Apruzese - Springfield, VA
Seems like the big increase in assessments should provide a lot of extra
revenue! Not sure why they need to increase rate.
Linda Rosen - Kings Park West Townhouses
Janice: Thanks. You are correct. I listened to a County OMB presentation
last night. I believe that is one of the conversations they are having.
It's definitely good for us to reinforce that mindset!
Scott Erickson - Springfield, VA
Janice: psssst!, the home owner is still paying more whether it is based on
an increase in UNREALIZED property value OR a tax rate increase. How about
some responsible spending?
Peter Syverson - Fairfax, VA
Tax is theft.
Sandy V. - Fairfax / Ridge Top
Peter: call 911
Joe Dalfonzo - Springfield, VA
thanx, I'll be sure to make my opinion heard!
Michael Holshey - Fairfax / Ridge Top
Jennifer Milton - Burke, VA - Author
Michael: Yes, that website works! Feel sorry for the clerk cuz hopefully
they gonna have a lot of citizens input to relay!!
Nora Linderman - PWCA
A common sense option is to review and reduce spending. Majority of
residents, regardless of demographics, have been hit by this pandemic and
focus is supposed to be on us surviving until equilibrium returns, not on
how to maintain, rearrange, or even expand the spending. At the rate
Fairfax is failing to align with its base population (working stiffs who
got stiffed), more losses are coming to the county. Alas, we can only try
as best we can which includes speaking up at meetings and providing
feedback before anything and any budget is enacted, not after.
Harold So - Springfield, VA
Nora Linderman: I know our house hold will review and reduce spending, I'll be working from home more then the office. Gas prices, metro parking etc... Sack lunch is the norm already. I hope our leadership is doing the same. Bringing sack lunch that is, I wish they'd show up at work and put on their thinking caps.
From https://nextdoor.com/p/2K3b25c5zyg-?view=detail ...
Faisal Chowdhury - Springfield, VA - 02/24/2022
Fairfax County Assessed Property value 2022
Just received 2022 Fairfax County Real Estate Assessment notice by mail.
Year 2022 assessed property value is significantly higher than 2021 assessed
property value. It is 16.6% increase from last year for my case. As a
result, mortgage payment amount will go higher. I was not ready for this
drastic change and wondering if anything you can do to appeal against it.
Posted in General to Anyone
Sandy Roberts - West Springfield, VA
Following. Mine went up 8.9% last year and another 9% this year.
Those are some serious hikes.
Sam F. - Danbury Forest
I heard there's an appeal process but you have to pay for getting an
appraisal, etc. Not sure about details.
I am curious if that's because of the whole supply/demand issues and home
values going up simply for that. I don't believe they've lowered the tax
when it goes the other way so definitely want to learn how to address it.
Patty Beyer - Springfield, VA
We tried to appeal last year, didn't need an appraisal... but also didn't
help lower our assessment either.
Lou King - Signal Hill-S.Port-Narnia
Your asessed property value doesn't affect your mortgage, it only affects
your taxes. Also, read the assessment notice carefully. The property tax
rate has yet to be decided.
Sandy Roberts - West Springfield, VA
Lou: it doesn't affect your mortgage but it will affect your mortgage
payment because your taxes are part of your escrow. Mine payment just went
up over $100 because of the increase in taxes from last year's assessment
which was about the same increase as this year's. Yes - it hasn't been made
official but in the past it has been the same percentage number at the end
of the year. So now I'll have to expect another $100 increase in my
mortgage payment next year because of the increase in taxes.
Tony Campillo - Springfield, VA
19.2% up for us.
Shawn Berman - Springfield, VA
Tony: yep, we are at 18.9%. WTH. I calculated it's going to be an
additional $58 a month on our mortgage payments (paying our taxes). Fun fun!
Jon Radel - Springfield, VA
Do note the section of your notice where they point out that the new tax
rate has not yet been set. At this point all you know is your new assessment
and what tax would result at last year's rate. You do NOT know what your
taxes will be.
So it follows that another approach is to get the county to lower the rate
a bit and not try to capture the full increase in assessments. Go forth
and bug the county board.
Sandy Roberts - West Springfield, VA
Jon: good idea. Any ideas on how to do that?
Rhonda Shaw - Springfield, VA
Following this. Our taxes will be 1K higher (from 8K to 9K) if the mil rate
remains the same. This is a hefty increase for one year. I did read that
they are expecting prices to level off this year.
Larry Do - Springfield, VA
It's a feeler to see how pissed people will be.
Vincent Balzotti - Springfield, VA
Larry: nope
Rhonda Shaw - Springfield, VA
Hmm. If they don't know how pissed people will be, they don't know many
Gaye Stone - King's Park
Rhonda: Don't know; more like they don't care! Vote for a fiscally
responsible BoS.
Jon Radel - Springfield, VA
Rhonda: I suspect you'll find it's an iterative process. What will it cost
to maintain services at the current level? Are there any new initiatives
that appear to be vital? How does this match up with expected revenue from
various sources? Can we realistically change rates? Anything we should
cut? Round and round we go until in and out kinda match, nobody will get
too pissed off, and the number of bodies (metaphorical and otherwise)
doesn't increase too much.
BTW, before everyone gets too excited about all this extra money they will
get from residential real estate, what are business real estate values doing?
There's a history in Fairfax of using increases in residential to fill in
drops in revenue when the commercial market tanks. I honestly will admit
I've not looked, but given the vacancy rates and stalled projects I know
about, I suspect revenue on the commercial side is down.
Rhonda Shaw - Springfield, VA
Yes, it is a process. I don't know about commercial real estate, but we
will see when all cards are put on the table.
John Land - Ravensworth Farm
Home Values go up all the time, but with COVID and more people working from
home, and setting up home offices, it pushed home values up even more than
normal. So COVID actually played a part in this. Some people moved out of
the cities and into the burbs, which added demand for houses in the burbs.
Sandy Roberts - West Springfield, VA
John: interesting! I would have never considered that.
Gary Betourne - Springfield, VA
Mine went up 17.9%, but I can't help to notice what houses are selling for
are here. Based on recent sales, I would guess that we are in store for
another hike next year for at least a much if not more. I guess the voters
want all those programs that the County funds.
Lisa Jeter - Springfield, VA
I read if your house isn't up to par as others in the neighborhood, you can
appeal it. Or your in a financial bind of sorts you can request some relief
as well.
My house went 17.3% so it's nice on one end but not on the other end.
I can't imagine being retired having to pay 9,000 in property taxes on our
house. As we all have seen when the housing market took a dump several
years ago. Our property taxes didn't go down -- they just raised the amount
per 100 or 1000. So there isn't much hope for our property taxes ever going
below that 9,000 from here on out.
Sam F. - Danbury Forest
From what I read they did pass approval for funding the new stadium.
Personally, I don't want my money going into Snyder's pocket just so the
state can say the team is here.
Ref: https://www.si.com/nfl/washingtonfootball/.amp/news/washington-commanders-virginia-house-delegates-bill-new-stadium-fedex-field
Vincent Balzotti - Springfield, VA
Sam: Your assessment has nothing to do with that. If anything, it would be
the tax rate (it still doesn't impact that yet), not your assessment.
George Cerza - Springfield, VA
We can't keep giving 5% raises every year to all employees. Even federal
government doesn't do that. Feds get 2~3% raise.
Vincent Balzotti - Springfield, VA
George: Who is getting 5% raises every year? You are aware that teachers
didn't get a raise for 2 years, yes? Did you get a raise in the past
2 years?
Lawrence Goldschmidt - Springfield, VA
Call the Fairfax County tax office. They will tell you what your appeal
options are.
Chris & Ruth Erbe - Springfield, VA
You're not alone. I'd like an explanation from the county. And how much
additional $$ will that bring into the county and why do they need it?
George Cerza - Springfield, VA
Pay raises in the county should be tied to the Federal government raises.
Sandy Roberts - West Springfield, VA
George: Maybe. Then teachers might actually get the raises they deserve
every year.
John Land - Ravensworth Farm
I heard the two loading Locations for the Stadium are Sterling, VA
and Woodbridge, VA. Both locations are just outside Fairfax County.
I was hoping the new Stadium would be back in DC were it belongs.
Eric Jones - Springfield, VA
John: huh?