2025-03-19: FCTA's 2025 Taxpayer Rally Flyer, V1 png
2024-09-06: FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V2 png
2024-09-06: FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V2 pdf
2024-08-29: FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Flyer, V2 pdf
2024-08-03: FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Flyer, V1 pdf
2024-06-25: FCTA's 2024 Stop-Meals-Tax Palm Card, V1 png
2023-05-09: FCTA's Questions for 2023 Candidates -- Fairfax Co BOS, FCSB, Virginia GA
2022-10-22: "Biden Wins, Taxpayers Loose" -- FCTA luncheon
2021-11-29: Taxpayers' Agenda for the Youngkin Administration
2021-11-29: Virginia's Mediocre Public Schools -- (Print in landscape mode)
2020-08-20: FCTA tri-fold flyer (4th draft from original) -- (Print in landscape mode)
This 8.5x11 double-sided tri-fold B flyer (updated from probably 25 years ago) clearly states FCTA's purpose, positions, and what we do.
2019-10-20: FCTA tri-fold flyer (3rd draft from original) -- (Print in landscape mode)
This 8.5x11 double-sided tri-fold B flyer (updated from probably 25 years ago) clearly states FCTA's purpose, positions, and what we do.
2019-10-17: 2019 Fairfax County core election issues, by Fred Costello-231
The current Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and wants to change the county from suburban to city. And the School Board is hell-bent on reducing the quality of education to meet the left's continuing 'woke' meme. Are you OK with that?
2019-07-11: FCTA tri-fold flyer (2nd draft from original) -- (Print in landscape mode)
This 8.5x11 double-sided tri-fold B flyer (updated from probably 25 years ago) clearly states FCTA's purpose, positions, and what we do.
2019-06-12: FCTA tri-fold flyer (1st draft from original) -- (Print in landscape mode)
This 8.5x11 double-sided tri-fold B&W flyer (updated from probably 25 years ago) clearly states FCTA's purpose, positions, and what we do.
2019-02-14: Spending Crisis in Fairfax County -- HOA ad landing page
Since 2000, Fairfax County real estate taxes have increased much faster than household incomes. Pension liabilities, salary increases, social programs, and large school budgets have been out of control for years.
2019-01-28: Fairfax Co Public Schools - High Taxes for Low Achievement, by Arthur Purves
Since 2000, Fairfax County real estate taxes for the typical homeowner have increased more than three times faster than household income. Meanwhile, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) spending has increased five times faster than enrollment (122% vs. 23%).
2018-06-09: Fairfax Co and Public School budget excesses over the years, by Arthur Purves
Stand up for transparency in government. Support the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance.
2017-07-04: FCTA says what the Republicans (and Democrats) should say, by Arthur Purves
Government does not owe you a living. Your food, housing, health, education, and retirement are individual and family responsibilities, and not Federal, state, or local government responsibilities.
2017-03-23: FCTA Palm Card shows high taxes, mediocre education, by Arthur Purves
Since 2000, real estate taxes for the typical Fairfax County homeowner increased 154% (from $2.4K to $6.1K), while Fairfax County Public Schools spending has increased 108% ($1.4B to $2.9B) while enrollment increased only 21%.
2016-03-07: Fairfax chasing taxpaying residents out of the County
Fairfax County taxpayers cannot afford Cadillac health plans, pensions, and annual 3.5%-4% raises for 34,000 county and school employees. Also of the 24,000 school employees, only 9,000 are regular classroom teachers.
2016-02-20: Fairfax County's Gold-Plated FY2017 Budget -- Also in PDF: Color and B
How can taxpayers afford Fairfax County and School employees' Cadillac health plans, pensions with retirement at 55, and 3.5% annual raises?
2015-12-20: FCTA: The hidden cost of Medicaid "expansion", by Bill Peabody Lou Dileonardo
Medicaid expansion funding is best described as the gift of a baby elephant. If you accept it, you must feed it, and as it grows it will eat more and more.
2015-03-08: Fx - Questions for Candidates -- Regarding the Proposed FY2016 Budget
Questions for Fairfax County Supervisors, School Board Members, State Delegates, State Senators, and Candidates...
2015-01-12: Fx - Will your income increase 5% next year? -- Fx Free Citizen ad landing page
For the last 15 years Fairfax County residential real estate taxes have increased, on average, 5% each year. This year's increase was 7%. The County Executive has already suggested a 5.5% increase next year.
2014-09-03: Fx - Will your income increase 5% next year? -- Sun Gazette insert, McLean
For the last 15 years Fairfax County residential real estate taxes have increased, on average, 5% each year. This year's increase was 7%. The County Executive has already suggested a 5.5% increase next year.
2014-04-17: Fx - Prevent Real Estate Tax Hike, Reduce Poverty -- Increased 133% since FY2000
The typical homeowner's real estate tax bill increased 133% since FY2000. But what have the taxpayers gotten in return?
2014-01-25: Fairfax Co Public Schools - High Taxes for Low Achievement, by Arthur Purves
Between Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 and 2014, Fairfax County real estate taxes for the typical homeowner increased $2700 (114 percent), from $2407 to $5146. Inflation over that period was 47 percent.
2013-05-14: Va - Repeal the Transportation Tax -- Trim the budget!
If Virginia's bloated budget were allocated properly, an additional transportation tax would have been unnecessary.
2013-04-08: Fx - Real Estate Taxes More than Double -- Between FY2000 and FY2014
Between FY2000 and FY2014, Fairfax County's residential real estate tax bill for the typical homeowner will have increased by nearly $2800, or 116 percent, from $2407 to $5193.
2013-03-24: Va - Out-of-Control Spending -- Much faster than population growth
Between FY2000 and FY2012, Virginia spending increased by $21 billion, much faster than population growth.
2013-03-24: Va - Excess Non-General Fund Growth -- Increased 134%, vs inflation 54%
Excess spending appears in Virginia's Non-General Fund, which increased 134%, more than twice as fast as population and inflation (54%).
2013-03-24: US - Unsustainable Entitlements -- 26 percent in 1960, 64 percent in 2011
In 1960, defense was 55 percent of federal outlays and entitlements were 26 percent. In 2011 defense was 20 percent of federal outlays and entitlements were 64 percent.
2013-03-24: Fx - Soaring Real Estate Taxes -- For zero-deductible health insurance, pensions
Most of Fairfax County's 116 percent hike in residential real estate taxes went to shore up county and school zero-deductible health insurance and pensions.