Fairfax County
Taxpayer's Alliance

Good Reads: Full Text of Classics in Western Literature

Good Reads: Full Text of Classics in Western Literature

-- by David Swink, FCTA, 06/13/2021 (Updated 05/04/2024)

Classic English-Lit Books in Fx Co Schools, circa 1962:
When this writer graduated from Fairfax County Public Schools in 1962, he had been required to read and discuss the following classic books in English-Lit classes. (Is this still a requirement in FCPS?) These works teach us life's lessons and provide valuable perspective from human history in Western civilization.

... but today's parents should insist their kids NOT be forced or encouraged to read:

Other Classic Works you may care to read:
Your wisdom will be greatly enhanced after having consumed (with sometimes considerable effort) these classic reads.

Most of the bold-text links to the works above are to local site-independent plain-text copies of those works posted elsewhere. Those original postings are hot-linked in the title of FCTA's copy, so you can choose which version you like better. (FCTA's local copies are also quite readable as 'View Source' monospaced text.) Each local HTML book contains a hot-linked table of contents, so you can see your reading progress 'bookmarked' by the previously-read purple chapter links.

Note that few of us actually enjoy reading an entire book from a computer; buy the paperback! This site merely serves as a convenient list of the available Western classics, as encouragement to explore these great works, and for post-read reference material.